Than to treat burn

Than to treat burn

In everyday life, none of us is insured against injury. Burns are one of the most common types of skin damage. To protect yourself from their negative consequences, it is necessary to clearly know how and what should be treated.

At home, it is possible to treat burns of the first and second degree, the external manifestation of which is expressed in redness of the burnt area of \u200b\u200bthe skin or forming blisters on it. In case of obtaining a third-party burn, accompanied by damage to internal fabrics, you should immediately contact the medical facility to obtain all the necessary assistance.

Minimize burn consequences and reduce unpleasant sensations after it is possible in several ways:

  • immediately after receiving the burn, place the affected area under the rush of cold water for 15-20 minutes, after which it neatly wipe it with a napkin and lubricate by a solution of manganese or alcohol;
  • to avoid the pollution of the wound, cover the burned place with a marry bandage;
  • do not lubricate the burned area with oil, exception can only be oil from sea buckthorn or a hunter.

After these preparatory work, proceed to the direct treatment of burns. You can do this with the help of medical drugs or folk remedies.

TO most popular and perfect medical drugs can attractLevomecol“, “PanthenolandOlazol“. “Levomecol” – protective ointment, apply which follow not on wound, a on bandage, which you will be close burned plot.. Change such bandage follow everyone 20 hours. Two others drug better buy v video spray, apply which the necessary directly on wound. At their usage it is forbidden close burned plot. bandage. Handle wound sprays can not more four once v day. Everything these drug funds promote atoching inflammatory processes and healing damaged fabrics.

If you have no medication at hand, and it is not possible to quickly acquire them possible - you can resort to the help of folk remedies:

  • Mint toothpaste, applied to the wound, will allow you to prevent the formation of blisters and remove the burning.
  • For the treatment of extensive areas, potatoes are well suited - put it on the grater, wrap marley and attach to the burned area, as soon as the bandage is heated - replace it with a new one.
  • The tampon, moistened in the soda solution, reduces pain and speed up the healing process. For the manufacture you will need 1 teaspoon of soda and 250 grams of boiled water.
  • Healing wounds oK promotes juice aloe: suggest small number juice from leaf plants on wound, after what impose on burned plot. dressingpreliminary moistened v social plants.
  • Brew fresh tea and wait, while welding cooled, after what apply her to wound and secure at aid dressings. Make such compress necessary about ten once v day.
  • If you want to, to ohg. passed v maximum short termyou can use special ointmentFor her manufacturing mix one table spoon wax with three spoents outpiece oil. For receipt uniform consistencies received mass follow little to warm and very thoroughly mix. After togo  how she cooled apply ointment on wounded plot.. To repeat this procedure follow 34 times v day. The senses burning and pain disappeared v first day applications mazi., a v flow weeks burn highlight.

Any burn causes unpleasant and painful sensations, and the track may remain for life. If it is received, owning the above information, you can easily reduce possible negative consequences and relieve pain or your loved ones.

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Lika 14/04/2016 at 0:54.

To be honest, I very much doubt that when you receive a burn, someone will run and remember some folk ways. Always a hand stretches to proven pharmacy, designed just for the treatment of burns. Although ... if there are no pharmacies nearby, maybe folk methods will rise. As they say, on unbearable ..

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    Nadya 08/26/2016 at 1:54.

    I agree about unfortunate, but since I am quite often burning during cooking or ironing linen, then my remedy for burns is always at hand. I really like Panthenol Spray, who has an orange-painted emoticon on the balloon. It is applied painless and helps quickly. And most importantly, it is precisely therapeutic agent, not cosmetic as some other means with the same name.

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Svetlana 01/11/2016 at 18:32

The best and proven remedy for burns is grated potatoes. No panthenol compare. Try.

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Kristina 09/05/2017 at 17:53

Curly potatoes? Straight Stone Age and how to impose it? I'm still for Panthenols, it is easy to apply and do not once again be touched. That's right here about Smile wrote and also from the original Panthenol there is an inscription that he was produced in Europe. The flashes once used, always well helps to heal the skin, but it is not surprising, there is a decantenol in the composition.

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Helena 27/09/2017 at 22:10

Onions, potatoes, pumpkin and similar things somehow such advice are somehow strange. Unless in the wild, use such methods when there is nothing at hand.

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Lara 28/09/2017 at 12:30

I generally unweight in this plan, then the neck with hot hair, the neck will be sprinkled from a frying pan. I just recently bought home a pharmacy tool, thanks to the girls for the advice on the emoticon on Panthenols and about the fact that the European should be, and then in the pharmacy many different panthenols turned out to be. I used for a couple of times, burns and the truth goes well with him.

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Katerina 10/17/2017 at 18:41.

Sour cream or kefirchik - and cool pleasant and pain relieves a bit.

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Sveta 10/19/2017 at 13:26

These are all the doping methods that doctors are not very advised to use, because you can infect infection with the sour cream. I bought the European Panthenols each, so the second year I use it, he and consumption is small because there is an aerosol, and the remedy is the medicinal, it really helps the skin to heal. On the smiley just pay attention if you want the original to buy.

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