How to cure burn

How to cure burn

The burn is quite serious damage to the skin, and sometimes deeper tissues under the influence of elevated temperature or chemical compounds. First of all, the treatment of burns depends on the degree of lesion. If the degree of burns is no more than 2, it is possible to assist at home, however, with a second degree and the hospitalization of the patient is obligatory.

First assistance in the burn:

  1. Eliminate the effect of an irritant on the fabric - to remove the hand, another part with a hot surface, from a chemical substance.
  2. Calm the victim. If a person is nearby, he must calm down, convinced that he will help him. In any case, it is necessary to stop nervous and panicing.
  3. Under the flowing cool water, substitute an burned area for 15 minutes. It is forbidden to rub in the skin of the cream, ointment, oil!
  4. On the damaged area to impose a dressing with sterile materials. This must be done in order for the place to be damaged, did not inflame and not polluted.
  5. In the case of a larger burn (with a surface of more than 10%), it is necessary to call an ambulance and engage in hospitalization of the patient.

Burns are divided into thermal, under the influence of high temperatures, and chemicals under the action of chemically hazardous substances. The first type of burns can be obtained from steam, boiling water, hot water or surface, with inept handling pyrotechnics, in a fire. Chemical burn occurs due to the impact on the body of various chemical components - alkalis, salts of metals, acids.

Front beginning treatment burn necessary define his nature and level defeat. V addiction from of this assign relevant treatment:

  • I. degree burn accompanied by elemental, slightly blushing skin, with transparent liquid small blisters.
  • II. degreeedema and redness, bubbles swollen or burst, formation thin crust.
  • III degreedeep damage fabrics, formation strup, burnt blisters, redness skin.
  • IV. degreeoven part body charred, maybe combine with another degree burn.

First and second degree burn treated at home, at more heavy damage treatment necessary conduct under control doctor v hospital.

Several tips for the treatment of the house:

  • It is impossible to burst burn blisters on their own, they can only be neatly pierced by a needle.
  • Treatment is possible in the absence of amplification of pain, secondary infection, purulent content in the wound, chills, elevated temperature.
  • To the damaged place impose a compress from grated potatoes.
  • Chilled cabbage sheet should be applied to the affected place until he is heated, then cool-to-attach again.
  • For the fastest skin restoration, take products rich in vitamin E.
  • Any burn in babies unconditionally requires medical care in the hospital.
  • When lungs can not be dying from the skin of the attached pieces of clothing.
  • For rapid and efficient treatment, reducing drugs are used - panthenol, solkosryl.
  • With a sunburn, the victim should be moved to the shadow.

With extensive damage to the limbs, they must be immobilized with the help of a tire, other means, lift the burned hand or leg. Significant damage causes a burn shock, its signs: weakness, heartfelt violation, rhythms, cold sweat, pallor, anxiety, pressure drop. In this case, it is worth trying to reduce the body's self-dendering, giving the injured tea, clean water, compote, they help to remove toxins. If the patient complains of severe pain, it is possible to give it an anesthetic agent (paracetamol, analgin). In extremely severe cases, when the patient does not breathe, heart massage and artificial lung ventilation are carried out. In the case of strong burns, the victim needs hospitalization, where it will be scented in a specialized department.

Burn dressing is performed 1-2 times a day. Before it is necessary, it is necessary to carefully disinfect your hands, prepare all the necessary dressing materials. A tool is applied to the wound, which contributes to nutrition and the early healing of the wound, surface decontamination around the wound.

With a chemical burn, first aid - eliminate the chemical connection that caused the burn. Next, rinse the place of damage to running water for 10 minutes, impose a clean bandage, to give the victim to the hospital.

The burned areas are sensitive to all bacteria, therefore the risk of injury is great. It is best not to risk health and consult a doctor to prescribe treatment. It is impossible to postpone the treatment of serious burns.

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Marina 07/08/2020 at 23:09

Most recently, I had a sunburn. But there was no consequences, because on the same day I bought a gladit ointment at the pharmacy, and began to apply it. The ointment removed the burning, and later even the skin was not peeled.

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