How to treat gangrenu

How to treat gangrenu

Gangrena is an derivation of cells, which is formed due to impaired blood circulation in the tissues. Most often it affects parts of the body and organs most distant from the heart. The reason can be injured, burns, soft tissue slaughter, close shoes, frostbite, alcohol abuse. Gangrena is easier to warn, rather than cure - a dead section of the body at the launched stage is subject to excision through surgical intervention.

The first signs of the development of gangrenes include:

  • discomfort in limbs (burning, redness, swelling, voltage);
  • legs or hands are constantly cold and frown even in warm;
  • pain in caviar while walking;
  • overall malaise and temperature rise;
  • damage thumb.

At first symptoms, immediately consult a doctor, hand over the necessary tests. If assumptions were confirmed, begin to treat Gangren. Remember, the elimination of cells occurs as a result of impaired blood circulation. Try to move more. Morning jogs in the fresh air will not only improve the work of the heart, but also enrich the body with oxygen, which will also affect the restoration of blood circulation.

Treat Gangrena by folk remedies and medical drugs. It is also recommended to prevent the disease as follows:

  1. Within months of taking regular aspirin ½ tablets in the morning and evening - aspirin relieve inflammation.
  2. Wear loose shoes.
  3. Every day, take a contrast shower - alternate warm water to cool. After showering, rub the skin with a towel until the redness.
  4. Move more.
  5. Do not eat fatty foods, which settles on the walls of blood vessels and impairs blood circulation. Cholesterol is found in animal fats. Refuse pork, lard, fat sour cream, margarine (relates to trans-fats).
  6. Do not put your foot on the foot - so you pinch vessels than complicate blood circulation. More walk barefoot.

Fresh rye or black bread Salt the salt well, make a thick layer on the wound, then rewind with a handkerchief or bandage. The main thing is to chew bread, since the therapeutic enzyme is produced from saliva.

Prepare the infusion of rosemary dry leaves. Fill 2 h. Crushed raw materials 200 ml of boiling water, let it be broken, then strain. The resulting dose drink equal portions during the day. Take the "nectar" and "mummy" cream, mix proportionally and let it stand, make a mixture on a sore skin with a thin layer, do not rub. When the ointment is absorbed, remnants remove the sterile napkin or bandage. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day. If for two weeks does not follow improvements, contact your doctor.

Brew dry shredded stems and cherry leaves: 20 g per 1 cup of steep boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes, and then strain. Preparing the blade use 100 ml 2 times a day.

Prepare compress. You will need:

  • dry red clay - 50 g;
  • fresh bulb;
  • 9% vinegar - 10 ml.

Grind the bulb, mix the ingredients. You should get a mixture like the test. Toll lay on the wound, cover with food or cellophane package, tie a bandage.

Sour sorrel is a source of vitamins and antioxidants, which contribute to the regeneration and recovery of cells. Buy a bunch of fresh sorrel, grind in a blender and squeeze juice through gauze. Use 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. Remember, such a product is not worth a long time. A day later, it will not remain the necessary vitamins, and it will not bring benefits. Prepare a fresh product daily.

Cut 5 tbsp. l. Dry needles of coniferous wood, soak in 1 liter of water, add 1 tbsp. l. Socan of rosehip and onion husk. Bring to a boil, hold 5-6 minutes on slow fire. Give the day. In the morning, strain and eat with honey 2 cups per day. With a finger gangrene, overlap the dressings with a row for 2-3 hours.

Take the fruits of juniper, and finely alternations, dry, scroll into dust and sprinkle a fusted wound. Grind the bark of alder. On 1 tbsp. l. Add 300 ml of water, brew, give it in, moisten a gauze gasket or a cotton disk and lubricate an ulcer. Gradually, the wound will be cleaned and heal.

Folk remedies are effective at the initial stage of the development of the disease. If you have a running form - follow the exclusively recommendations of a qualified doctor. Rethink your attitude to health, try to prevent the disease in advance. Due to the impaired blood circulation, not only gangrene can develop, but also other, no less dangerous diseases. Enter a healthy lifestyle, exercise and be healthy!

Comments leave a comment
Vladimir 08/06/2017 at 11:27

Parcel treats consequences after deep frostbite, gangrene feet in diabetes, quickly treated burns (especially fresh), solar burns, teenage acne, diameters, breakdowns and other skin diseases, where healing and processing of wounds is needed.


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