How to treat Seboro

How to treat Seboro

Seborrhea - a skin disease that occurs due to violation of the sebaceous glands. It happens mainly during puberty when glands achieve the greatest development. Harvest this most often is found under the hair on the head, it happens on the face. Three types of seborrhea distinguish: mixed, dry and fat. This dermatological problem provides comprehensive treatment.

The use of medicinal antifungal drugs. This may be any means containing substances of the Azol group. These include cream and shampoo nipped, ketoconazole, aqueous soap. In advanced cases, the dermatologist prescribes hormonal ointments to apply on the scalp.

Along the way, passes the examination for disorders in the endocrine system. Pay attention to the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. This is especially true for women who need to be put in order menstrual cycle.

Normalize the intestinal job, stick to the diet. Exclude greasy and acute food, salt, canned and flour products, sweets. In return, turn on kefir, fruits, vegetables in the diet. Perhaps you have to drink a course of vitamins and take antioxidants to remove toxins. Throw bad habits.

Often Sebori appears after transferred stress. Be sure to consult a neurologist or psychotherapist.

Perform elementary hygiene rules: regularly beware, especially after the pool, carefully take solar baths, use the hair dryer less.

Physiological procedures. This is a massage with liquid nitrogen or ordinary massage at home that improves blood circulation. First, spread your hair well, and then rub the pads with your fingertips and stroke the skin of the head from the frontal part to the backbone and from the ears of the top.

Buy calendula flowers in the home aid kit. It helps with dry and greasy seborrhea. Fill 5-10 g of dried calendula 0.5 liters of hot water. Already after half an hour, rub the drug in the roots of the hair. Secure the effect of rushing the decoction of the roots of the burdock.

Do not attempt yourself to get rid of the unpleasant illness. Conduct treatment under the supervision of the attending physician, as it is a complex and long process. A favorable outcome depends largely on the diagnosis of the cause of the disease.

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