How to treat an abscess on his finger

How to treat an abscess on his finger

Bruises, small scratches, splinters, nails done incorrectly result in the appearance of an abscess on his finger. It occurs due to contact with the wound of germs. After damage to the skin immediately lubricate the wound with iodine or brilliant green. But what to do if a small wound in time did not pay attention, and there was an abscess on his finger? Aching pain becomes unbearable, and the skin around your finger becomes red and swells.

Treat an abscess on his finger

First disinfect the abscess. This can be done by any means:

  • use warm solution of salt and soda iodine. Add a glass of warm boiled some water a tablespoon of baking soda and salt. Drip to 8-10 drops of iodine and mix. Problematic finger put into the resulting solution for 10 minutes, then tie a net dressing of the bandage;
  • treat boil weak solution of potassium permanganate or peroxide. For processing can take any alcoholic solution prepared from cologne, alcohol or vodka with water;
  • treat the wound with iodine or brilliant green.

Treatment abscess finger ointments

After disinfection, start treatment. For the treatment of an abscess on his finger, use effective ointment:

  • vishnevsky ointment;
  • levomekol ointment;
  • ihtiolovaya ointment;
  • dioksidin ointment.

Fold cheesecloth into four layers and apply it on the chosen ointment. Apply the gauze with ointment on the problem and tie a bandage. Leave the bandage for 12 hours, then gently remove it. Remains of ointment clean with a clean cloth and treat the wound with alcohol. It is best to do this procedure at night. Bandage with ointment change every 12 hours, if you are at home. Treatment is carried out as long as the abscess does not burst.

Picture 3.

Treatment of an abscess on his finger folk remedies

Treatment of folk remedies abscess on his finger helps to speed up the ripening process of an abscess. He'll make the pus and the wound will heal quickly. Take advantage of the people's effective recipes:

  • baked onion. Bake onions along with husks. When it becomes soft, cut out the middle, but the integrity of the bulbs do not damage. It turns out a peculiar ball with a hole. Put it on a damaged finger and lock the bandage. Hold 3 hours. If the scope did not break through - repeat the procedure. You can applay a warm baked bow to a thick layer and tie a bandage;
  • the mixture of soap and onions. Take the baked onion and grated economic soap in proportions of 2 to 1. Make from these ingredients to Cashitz, apply it to the bandik, attach to the patient and secure the plaster. Change therapeutic bandage every 4 hours;
  • pellet from honey. Helps pull the pus. Mix half the teaspoon of flour and the same amount of honey. Put the resulting cake on the problem space, secure the plaster and tie the bandage. Keep a dressing for 9-12 hours.

Picture 4.

Surgical method of treatment of nailed on the finger

If folk recipes did not help - immediately contact the surgeon. Infection can cause headache, weakness, temperature increase, and this is dangerous. Operation is carried out under local anesthesia. The doctor will make not a very deep cut on the skin, removes the pus and dead fabrics and clean the wound with an antiseptic solution. Then the bandage is superimposed, it should be changed every day and process a patient with funds appointed by the doctor.

Picture 5.

Carefully treat leather damage to prevent the occurrence of the journey. Treat the smallest wreck, otherwise it will turn into a big um. Remember: to independently treat the shelter on the finger you can in the early stages of its development. In severe cases, contact your doctor, improper independent treatment may cause serious complications.

Comments leave a comment
Victoria 14/09/2017 at 10:15

It happens that I will lose the cuticle as bad and pulls a little finger. In such cases, I simply apply a green ointment Ilon. Already in a couple of days, inflammation passes, the finger is less hurting and everything is well healing.

Yana. 12/19/2017 at 11:00

I know that the salt baths do not help badly, but I still advised me in a pharmacy. Mazala this ointment 2 times a day. From Panaria got rid of the week.


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