How to get rid of corn on the finger

How to get rid of corn on the finger

Most often in our life there are wet corns - this is an inflated bubble with liquid inside. But other sores often arise on the fingers and footsteps: spurs, natopstysh, etc. Each of them is subject to special treatment that you will learn from this article.

Causes of calluses

Most often corn appear for two reasons:

  • Poor-quality, incorrectly selected shoes (on the legs);
  • Working with tools or sports equipment without gloves (in hand);
  • In rare cases: incorrect metabolism (in the case of a bunione).

Therefore, it is worth being attentive when choosing shoes: choose high-quality materials and the desired size, and also do not disperse construction gloves, performing any works that can lead to corns.

Soft corn and their treatment

Usually soft corn arise in places where strong friction and moisture are present, for example, between the fingers of sweating legs. These calls include:

  • Watery (wet) corn;
  • Rubbing;
  • Bloody education.

Treat such corns is easy. They can go by themselves, but if you take the necessary measures, then speed up the healing process.

  1. Rinse a plot with corn with warm water.
  2. Do not open the bubble! So you can make an infection in it.
  3. Start a special corn plaster or bactericidal in the case of a bloody formation.
  4. Periodically change the plaster and handle the corn with a special ointment sold in the pharmacy.
  5. If the bubble burst, repeat item 4, but already with antiseptic ointment.

Solid corns and their treatment

Solid corns occur due to long pressure and friction on the skin, for example, when walking in uncomfortable shoes. There are several types of solid corns, and each needed its approach:

  1. Natoptyshi is the most common type of solid corneus arising due to constant pressure and uncomfortable shoes. Fortunately, Natoptyshs are perfectly treatable with ointments, such as "super antimazoline".
  2. Dry corn is also a common view of corn. Its treatment does not require advice from a doctor. Lubricate the corn with ointment with salicylic acid, such as "benzalitin", and change shoes to a softer and comfortable. If you want to get rid of dry corn quickly, you can resort to the removal of the laser. This is a quick procedure, but after it there are small wounds that need processing.
  3. Rod corn differ from the rest of the fact that they have their own rod of flaprge. If you start such a corn, it will begin painfully crack. Do not try to treat it yourself - better consult a doctor, he will appoint you competent treatment.
  4. Spurs do not confuse with nothing: straight on the bones they grow spiked formations, causing acute pain at a pressure of a plot with a corner. Most often, their treatment is associated with surgical intervention, so contact a specialist immediately.

  Solid rod corn.jpg_1439034856.

Bunion and its treatment

In a separate category it is worth highlighting a bunion. This formation on the thumb, causing severe pain. It arises due to the constant wearing a narrow shoe, squeezing the leg. Bunion can be triggered to remove at home, but such treatment is inefficient. It is better to immediately turn to the dermatologist who will write you the ointment or send to the operation.

Popular medicine against corns

Film medicine will help to get rid of corn on the finger.

Lemon / Aloe.

Local skin of solid corns can be removed using lemon.

  1. Cut the lemon slice.
  2. Attach it to the oroging skin.
  3. Lock with a patch.
  4. Leave this compress for the night.
  5. In the morning, damage leather is easily removed by pembia or any other means.

In this method of treatment of corn, lemon can be replaced by aloe. Cut the sheet and attach it to the pulp inside, performing all the same actions as with lemon.

How to get rid of corn on the finger


A peculiar mask of potatoes for legs will help get rid of solid corns:

  1. Grind crude potatoes (preferably in a blender).
  2. The resulting mass of thick cover the area with the corner.
  3. Cover the mask with polyethylene and secure the bandage or plaster.
  4. In the morning, clean the softened skin.

How to get rid of corn on the finger

Medical baths

Baths with manganese will benefit any Mozoles:

  1. In warm water dissolve a little manganese.
  2. Parry legs for 15-30 minutes.
  3. Wipe them and lubricate your child or moisturizing cream.

Instead of mangartages, you can use soda, mixing it with water in proportions 1 liter on 1 tablespoon. For a better effect, you can add a decoction from the root of AIRA and chamomile, soothing and disinfecting the skin.

How to get rid of corn on the finger


This plant softens the skin, disinfects it - the most for any corns. You can use a mother-and-stepmother in several ways:

  • Spaled legs lubricate mother-and-stepmother juice during the day;
  • For the night, put compresses from extractive leaves;
  • Add decoction to foot baths.

Zelenka and peroxide

The simplest means can help with wet corners - green and peroxide. Lubricate the inflated bubble, thereby drying it until it is being blown away.

Sometimes the corn can be a very serious and annoying problem, but if it takes measures in time for its treatment, and even better according to prevention, then you will never come across it. Wear comfortable shoes and do not break gloves: the two main rules of healthy skin without corns.

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Valeria 03/26/22021 at 2:11

I could not get rid of dry corn for a very long time. I tried different folk methods, the special plasters bought, even tried to cut it with scissors. But all this did not help. Then the girlfriend gave me the remnants of a verbacide, she with his help her papillomas took out. So this drug helped me from the first time, the corn from him disappeared and did not bother me anymore.

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