When Molenia begins to "grow in front of the eyes", plus it is still very strong - this is a rather bad signal, most likely the beginning of its rebirth. Then, as a rule, its color changes, cracks appear, which can even bleed, and itself, the Molenia begins to hurt all the strongest and stronger. However, it is not necessary to despair - everything can be corrected, but you need to quickly go to surgeons and dermatologists!
Mountain increases - it's pretty dangerous! Moles from birth in melanoma practically do not pass, but convex options, especially with hair, which appeared during maturation, as a rule, are more susceptible to the risk of skin cancer. To the same category should include moles on the soles or palms and located on the inner part of the hips. The group of serious risk includes moles that are constantly susceptible to friction (right under the shirt collar, directly under the bracket of the bra, etc.). Causes of rising moles. Immediately it is worth noting that the increase in moles is not a sign of malignant education. The diagnosis must be made by the doctor, and not you or your friends. At the same time, it is not worth removing it at home - this will definitely lead to serious consequences. The increase in moles is the 1st sign of the tumor, but often it can grow on other subjective reasons:- If the mole is on the face, then "grow" it can after a long "grasia" (insect bite) or after shaving (the skin of the face is very and very tender).
- The reason for the increase in moles can be a long sunbathing under the right rays of the Sun, or if it's too often to go to the solarium (always take a corporate cream to protect against the sun).
- Parts are frequent increasing the birth during pregnancy, but this is normal, since at the moment the hormonal restructuring of the entire body is going.
- The normal growth of the moles is observed in adolescents during puberty.
- the formation of a plurality of small moles, usually appearing next to the largest molest - this is the first alarming sign;
- change of symmetry, especially the largest moles;
- the slightest change in the volume and structure of the moles, as well as education on it all sorts of growths;
- it is always necessary to ensure that the contours of the moles are smooth, since the appearance of "teeth" is a signal associated with "rebirth";
- periodically check the changes in the color of the moles by exposing even residences on their surface;
- large moles in diameter measure the ruler, and if they have increased in a very short time, then quickly to the doctor!
To moles need to be carefully treated and constantly monitor them (an increase in size, color change, structure, etc.). It is also necessary to respect for them a number of mandatory rules: constant protection against direct sunlight to the moles, refusal to excessive under the solariums, ensure close attention to the moles in friction places (in order to avoid mechanical injuries).