How to remove moles

How to remove moles

Moles are formation on the human body, which arise as a result of increased mining of pigment. They are mainly benign, but often there are cases of malignant moles (determined by analyzes or special instrument). On the body of some people, these formations are a "highlight", for others it is an object of constraint. Sometimes moles are removed according to the testimony or personal desire of a person. Modern medicine offers several solutions to this problem.

Excius - removal of the mole surgically. It is used in two forms: cutting (after this wound is stitched) and cavity (using a special tool). During the procedure, the place around the education is unfinished.

Cryosurgery - removal of the mole method of exposure to low temperatures. As an option - liquid nitrogen. With the help of a special tool, this component is scattered until the temperature reaches the maximum low threshold.

Laser therapy - exposure to the focused beam of light (straight laser beam) is sent to the mole, and so it is removed. However, this method is not suitable for the formations of which deep roots. This type of deletion of moles is one of the safest and painless.

You can also get rid of the moles with special preparations and drugs that are based on acids and can damage the skin, leaving large scars and scars. They cannot be used for malignant moles. Before use, it is better to consult with your doctor.

There are many folk methods, but not all of them are safe and effective, so you need to be extremely careful. You can use a lipis pencil or rub the moleside with juice cleaned 3 times a day. Some argue that acetic essence will help get rid of the moles. It must be carefully applied to education once a day. A good property has an ointment of hemp oil (1/4 of its part is chalk). Lubricate the birthplace is recommended 3 times a day during the week.

If it was decided to remove moles, first of all, you need to consult a doctor and find out its origin. It is not recommended to resort to folk methods. Multiple conspiracies will be ineffective. It is better to examine education and after this make a decision about one or another method of removing moles.

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