How to remove sagging belly after childbirth

How to remove sagging belly after childbirth

Excavative troubles with a newborn baby occupy all the time of the new mammies. But the little girl was born, and the desire of young parents to create the most comfortable conditions for the life of a new family member - this is not at all reason to forget about his own health and appearance of a young woman. Many after having come across the problem of the sagging belly, if you start fighting this problem from the first days of returning home after the hospital, then the results will soon be visible.

Postpartum bandage. After discharge from the maternity hospital, the bandage will help to quickly reach the uterus in the tone and return the old form of stretched muscles. We carry such a postpartum tight is especially useful after the cesarean section, when the seam stretch is possible. Contraindications to wearing are:

  • seams on the perineum (tuck bandage slows down blood circulation in the abdominal cavity);
  • even, to which kidney disease, gastrointestinal tract, abdominal pain;
  • allergy to the cloth bandage.

Wearing a postpartum bandage should be negotiated with a doctor who will tell the appropriate form (Bandage-panties, Bandage Bundage, Bandage Skirt and Universal Bandage) and will explain the technology of wearing.


Balanced diet. Young motley seeking to establish breast feeding and consuming a smaller amount of fats for the best digestion of the baby, a priori fights with extra kilograms, in particular, in the abdominal cavity. Reducing the consumed fats, the use of vegetables, fruits and croup will benefit not only the body of a woman, but also saturate breast milk with the necessary vitamins.

Gymnastics. Physical exertion, which is experiencing a woman after childbirth, colossal: feeding, swimming, air walk, communication with baby, washing, cleaning, cooking. This list can be continued to infinity, but all the loads are common, and it is the abdominal region of muscles involved little. In big cities, a young motley can afford to lose the newborn child on dad or relatives and 1 hour to spend in the classroom in the gym. But at home, every girl who wants to part with the "postpartum cargo" can do simple exercises, but only after 6 weeks after delivery:

  • Upper muscle press. Foot fix in a fixed state, slightly bent in the knees. For example, shove them under the bottom of the sofa or chairs. To lift the body, slowly, at the same time try to keep it smoothly (the hands are fastened behind your head).
  • Lower muscle press. Lying on the back, raising legs up. Exercise spend slowly without jerks. No need to immediately try to raise the legs 90 ° from the floor. You can start with a smaller angle of inclination. The main thing is not the height of the legs raised, but the number of raising.
  • Side press. In the standing position, legs on the width of the shoulders. Right hand draw up to the left then on the contrary. The movement reminds the pendulum, with the meaning that the arrow-hand must continue further and further if possible to deviate in the opposite direction, while the back should be smooth.

Gymnastics will bring the result if the exercises are carried out for several minutes each (5-10 minutes) in several approaches per day.

Do not wear yourself to large exercise, diets and other ways to lose weight. What kind of baby needs an exhausted mother? Stable daily charging, especially if your child takes part in it, after a short time bring long-awaited results - a beautiful flat tummy young mommy.

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