The bloating is a very unpleasant phenomenon, testifying to the presence of such a disease as a meteorism. Worst of all, if it is accompanied by flaventuation, simply - the release of gases in large quantities, and also pains, belching.
The presence of gases in the intestines and the natural infrequent process of their allocation (from 6 to 20 times per day) is the norm, after all, 900 cube are accumulated. See if this happens often, and also hurts, then you need to pay attention to the work gastrointestinal tract. Not necessarily the presence of some serious reason. You may eat food that your stomach does not quite perceive.
If the flange is caused by the fact that you ate bean, black bread, radish, cabbage, flour products, especially on yeast, used drinks with gas, then they will have to refuse them or at least reduce their number in the diet. In addition, do not eat unnecessary, eat more often, but in small portions.
It turns out adults, like children, can outlook air during food intake. It happens when they hurry, poorly chewed, swallowed whole pieces. The same turns on the chewing gum. And smoking, as it turned out, among other things, the negative impact on the body, also provokes a swallowing of air. Preliminary air is a prerequisite for the appearance of the abdomen. Hence the second conclusion: do not hurry while eating, throw smoking and do not eat constantly chewing.
Milk and products based on it are not useful not to everyone. Some stomach does not proceed with lactose, and as a result, again, excessive gases in the intestine.
In addition to the above-described causes of increased gas formation, eliminate which is not difficult when they are attentive to themselves, there are more serious. These include dysbacteriosis, infection, receiving a large dose of some drugs, varicose disease, obstruction, neurosis. So, if the bloating is worried about, it is better to examine and accurately know the reason. The doctor examines and make an appointment that will help you get rid of this permanent discomfort.
Pregnancy is also often accompanied by bloating. The reasons here are quite explained, and this is the phenomenon after the child will be born. Nevertheless, sometimes tolerate it is difficult, especially when it also sobs constantly. With this you need to go to the clinic. Your gynecologist knows what to do with it.
Of course, it is better not to create problems causing the bloating than then to deal with them. Fit right, turn on the products with acididophilic cultures in the menu, move more and this trouble will cost you by the side.
Oh, my beloved cabbage ... On some it does not work at all, but after it as an air balloon. And I love her, especially the salad with cucumber and dill, but also thin on it is cool. Therefore, so that at work is not "take off", I will drink and order with the first spoons and order and order !! And tasty and stomach is in order, do not bother.
In addition to the fuss, there were often pain in the stomach pain, even to the doctor appealed. I appointed a trime rate at my problems with the intestines, the treatment helped that I am very pleased.
My bloating arose against the background of constipation, as most often happens .... And to eliminate it, accounted for high-speed laxatives to resort. But the situation was only aggravated, in fact .... The point did not start the motility to restore, and not just annoying the intestines, everything was a stupid. But after the intestines learned to work independently again (she took the Fillax for this, by the way, and became more light-earned food to eat) -All earned like a clock. Now there is no bloating, no constipation already))
I have a blown on the background of constipation often ... Yes, in principle, this tandem is not keen ... then only the phytomyl norms helped (he helped the chair to normalize and forced the intestine to work independently) and dill infusions (well against gases work). It is important to eradicate these two omens at the same time ... only then there will be a result.
What is the reason for these reasons ?? You can eat cabbage or peas, here and bloating.
Oh, my beloved cabbage ... On some it does not work at all, but after it as an air balloon. And I love her, especially the salad with cucumber and dill, but also thin on it is cool. Therefore, so that at work is not "take off", I will drink and order with the first spoons and order and order !! And tasty and stomach is in order, do not bother.
In addition to the fuss, there were often pain in the stomach pain, even to the doctor appealed. I appointed a trime rate at my problems with the intestines, the treatment helped that I am very pleased.
My bloating arose against the background of constipation, as most often happens .... And to eliminate it, accounted for high-speed laxatives to resort. But the situation was only aggravated, in fact .... The point did not start the motility to restore, and not just annoying the intestines, everything was a stupid. But after the intestines learned to work independently again (she took the Fillax for this, by the way, and became more light-earned food to eat) -All earned like a clock. Now there is no bloating, no constipation already))
I have a blown on the background of constipation often ... Yes, in principle, this tandem is not keen ... then only the phytomyl norms helped (he helped the chair to normalize and forced the intestine to work independently) and dill infusions (well against gases work). It is important to eradicate these two omens at the same time ... only then there will be a result.