How to treat bloating bloating

How to treat bloating bloating

Who was not in a situation where there is discomfort after absorption, namely the bloating. As unpleasant it is a feeling, it seems that the belly is redirected, and a rumbling, sounds that are heard to everyone around, colic ... an inconvenient setting. The reason for the occurrence of meteorism can be dysbacteriosis, disorder of the nervous system, pancreatitis, lactose intolerance, blood circulation disorder, intestinal obstruction. How to deal with these ailments?

If gas formation in the intestines occurs constantly - this is a symptom of the disease. It is impossible to ignore the manifestations of such ailment, consult a doctor, and let it be diagnosed, prescribes treatment.

The simple option to get rid of meteorism is to take drugs, which in the pharmacy is a large selection, for example: "meteorospasmil", "Espumizan", "activated carbon", "sab simplex", "colikid", etc. More these medicines can be purchased in internet pharmacies.


But after the pill and temporary relief, the bloating can be repeated again as a result of a dense lunch or dinner. Therefore, the diet does not hurt. Exclude products from their menu that promote gas formation: beans, peas, easily dried carbohydrates, freshly baked bread, smaller coarse fiber, milk. The carbonated drinks are generally removed from the diet, it is also not recommended to smoke, use a hottest.

There are many recipes from meteorism exist in folk medicine. Capture a glass of water, add 4.6 grams (tablespoon) chamomile. Let 20 minutes stand, then drink 2 tablespoons of tea before each meal.

All familiar from childhood recipe for cooking "dill water": we bring to a boil floor of the liter of water, we fall asleep the seeds of dill - 2 small spoons, let it cool, flicker and drink 100 grams. Get rid of the illness and mixture of herbs: dryers, hunter, yarrow. In the glass jar, we put an equal proportion of medicinal plants, close the lid and coolently shake so that everything moves. Then 3 tablespoons of the collection are immersed in boiling water, insist 25-30 minutes. Tea is filtering, and before eating it is necessary to drink half a cup.

Dandelion, growing in the summer almost everywhere, perfectly treats bloating. The herbalists use the roots of the plant. Two tablespoons of the product are mixed with hot water (0.4 liters). Cover the container, it is 6-8 hours. Again, before the meal you need to drink 150 grams of tea.

Do not forget that with unnecessary gas formation useful exercise. Morning jogging, physical exercises in the air, hiking - harm will not bring.

Watch your health. With an impermanent abdominal pain, more than two days do not engage in self-medication, go to the doctor. Only a specialist will deliver a properly diagnosis and can cure you.

Comments leave a comment
faith 06/05/2018 at 22:29

The problem was drawn to me ((I sat down on a diet two weeks ago and now I already like a week for me, after each meal, there is a drowning and stomach swell. Pleasant little and want to somehow solve this problem and lose weight further.

Ksenia Morinov 12/05/2018 at 5:30 pm

If you sat down on a diet, then nothing surprising in it. So it was so that did not read different articles and reviews of other girls. Orlys helps well in this situation, at the beginning of lunch or dinner take it and the stomach will be calm. I always reserve for them for a diet.

Galina 04/09/2018 at 17:40

Usually it happens if I can not go to the toilet by the large. You have to drink a fittocil norm, abdominal massage or squats. The main chair is to establish, then the intestines will work well and there will be no bloating.

Mila 14/09/2019 at 13:01

It is always necessary to find a reason .... I was bloated because of the chronic constipation (so very often, by the way, it happens). In order to get rid of him, the doctor recommended the medicine to drink (Fillax), which helps to restore the peristalsis. In other words, to force the intestine to work independently. Thanks to this, the constipation passed, and bloating ... The intestine works again as a clock that he could not but rejoice)

Mayan 25/05/2020 at 13:17

It happens that I am leaving for a couple of weeks on a business trip, and not very useful food does not benefit. Belly, as we say, "gaskets", all sorts start in the intestines. Therefore, it is then to take Alpha Normix to treat the inflamed intestine.


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