Moching dermatitis how to treat

Moching dermatitis how to treat

Moching dermatitis is characterized by the appearance on the skin of bubbles filled with pus or sucrovice. The main danger of the disease lies in the possible accession of an additional infection. Wounds and cracks contribute to this. In this article we will tell how to treat wet dermatitis.

Eliminate reasons

At the very beginning, the doctor must find out the causes of the ailment. Most often, this disease is a manifestation of allergies. It may be allergic when contact with some chemicals or powders. But usually this is a food allergy to a particular product. Among the dangerous products are bright fruits, sausages and confectionery. They contain many dyes and preservatives. In order to eliminate the manifestations of allergies, accept claritine citrine or edem. These are antihistamines of the new generation.

Moching dermatitis how to treat


It is advisable to sit on a diet for a while. This power mode should be carried out according to a specific scheme. Completely excluded from the sausage menu, all fruits besides apple bananas. It is impossible to eat sweets and fatty meat varieties. You need to cook soups on the second broth without roasted and carrots. Such a diet must be adhere to 3 weeks. Next, every 3 days add a new product in the menu and watch the reaction. During the diet before each meal, take enteros gel or activated carbon. Sorbents absorb allergens and harmful substances.

Treatment of disease causes

Sometimes rash occurs due to dysbacteriosis and kidney problems. That is why the menu should include fermented dairy products and eliminate alcohol, sweets and baking. These products provoke fermentation in the intestine. And the genus genus candidates often lead to the appearance of wet dermatitis. In the presence of a bacterial or viral infection, it is worth cured. Otherwise, all cosmetics will be ineffective.

Soothe the nerves

Dermatologists are confident that frequent stresses also provoke rashes. Therefore, it is worthwhile to take the bromocaffa to the nesting or peony tincture. Some time you devote yourself and relax.

Moching dermatitis how to treat

Than to smear wounds

If dermatitis is accompanied by the appearance of vesicles, then bubbles must be opened. This must be done after disinfection of the hands and the most bubbles. After that, the wound can be lubricated by the Afloderm, skin-cap, pymafuct. In order to avoid attaching a bacterial infection, the wound can be treated with zinc ointment or trimine. This is an inexpensive ointment that has anti-face action. She removes inflammation.

For the treatment of all types of dermatitis use corticosteroids. Keep in mind: It is impossible to smear with such ointments of open wounds. Thus, hormones will be absorbed in very large quantities, resulting in getting used. Such drugs can be applied after the formation of dry crusts or at the initial stage of the disease.

Moching dermatitis how to treat

Folk methods are quite effective. Dermatitis can be eliminated using oak bark. Often for treatment use birch dead. It is added to the healing ointments. But creams with birch tar can be purchased in a pharmacy.

Moching dermatitis how to treat

Before treatment, be sure to find out the cause of the ailment. By eliminating it, you get rid of dermatitis.

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