How to deal with heartburn

How to deal with heartburn

Heartburn is a rather common disease. Some people have pain in chronic, so they are forced to refer to physicians for medication treatment. To eliminate this problem, you need to adjust the lifestyle.

Fractional food. Many people make great breaks between meals. At a time they eat a large portion, which could be divided into a small number of parts. As a result, there is a violation of the sphincter. This mechanism is a ring that is located between the esophagus and the stomach. In the usual state, it is tightly compressed and opened only when feeding. Large portions of food relaxes it, so caustic substances that cause pain fall into the esophagus (from the stomach). To establish a sphincter work again, try to eat fractionally, i.e., small portions every 3 hours.

Proper nutrition. Exclude the snacks on the go. Nutriciologists recommend learn how to chew food thoroughly so as not to injure the esophagus. Eat more vegetables, greenery, croup, soups, fruits. Include in your diet skimmed milk, cheese, cottage cheese, eggs, herbal decoctions. Carefully treat what is strongly advised to avoid:

  • fat, acute, fried food;
  • alcohol, especially sparkling wines;
  • tobacco smoke;
  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • coffee Tea;
  • chocolate;
  • fast Fud;
  • citrus.

Rest after meals. Experts do not recommend falling immediately at the end of the meal. It is preferable to just sit (about two hours) until food digested in the stomach. Otherwise, the heartburn will arise sooner or later. If immediately after meals, take a vertical position, it will be near the sphincter and can get into the esophagus. If you want to lie down, prepare a high pillow.

Fighting stress. Heartburn may be formed due to daily neurosis. Try to nervous and easier to look at life. In the event of an unsolvable psychological problem, contact a psychologist.

Herbal teas. The drinks from the herbs are well neutralized by gastric acid. It is permissible to use any valuable herbs. The next recipe has proven perfectly. Take 1 tbsp. l. (without a slide) wormwood, daisies and mint. Fill a mixture of 1 liters of boiling water. When it is imagining, strain the infusion and take 0.5 cups 30 minutes before meals. The drink is muffled for a long time.

Milk. Temporary relief can give milk. After receiving one cup, the pain will go. But after cleavage of the product, acid is again formed, which will entail heartburn. Alternatively, you can use soda. Put in a glass of 1 tsp. Soda and pour it with water. The drink will give temporary relief, but it is often impossible to use it (due to the danger of the disorders of the acid-alkaline balance).

Seeds. It is recommended every morning there are raw pumpkin seeds. To eliminate burning, enough to eat 20 pieces. Put a handful of seeds in your pocket and carry them with you.

Activated carbon. This means absorbs an extra amount of acid. Activated coal does not irritate the intestinal mucous membrane, therefore it is considered absolutely safe. It is permissible to take it even during pregnancy. During painful manifestations of heartburn, take a few tablets by writing them with water.

Medication methods. If, when implementing the above recommendations, the improvement does not occur within 1-2 weeks, consult a doctor. In some cases, heartburn gives serious complications that will be converted into illness. The specialist will conduct a survey and prescribe competent treatment.

During the treatment of heartburn, it is very important to adhere to the right nutrition and food habits. After successfully eliminating this problem, continue to lead a healthy lifestyle and apply the rules described above. If a strong painful sensation occurs, contact the gastroenterologist immediately.

Comments leave a comment
Olga 09/10/2018 at 22:51

Recently, everything that does not eat, heartburn begins. It would be necessary to go to the doctor, but I will not find all the time. So far I have an effective tool to find and get rid of it quickly.

Anna 09/10/2018 at 22:52

Recently, everything that does not eat, heartburn begins. It would be necessary to go to the doctor, but I will not find all the time. So far I have an effective tool to find and get rid of it quickly.

Diana 30/10/2018 at 20:34

I am Antarite lately like, chewing pills. Very comfortable in use and really effective.

Zoya 08/03/2020 at 7:13.

My first-aid kit is always a hearth lies. I only helps me ... Yes, and the price is good)) it works quickly, but also, if I notice that the burning starts, immediately reviewing the food-I clean garlic, onions, salt, sharp. These measures are good prevention. Heartborn does not come long.


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