How to reduce the acidity of the stomach

How to reduce the acidity of the stomach

Food should be quickly dissolved and easily absorbed in the stomach. But often people use harmful and hard-processed products. Salonic acid solves this problem. Incorrect power in large quantities leads to an increase in the acidity of the gastric juice and the occurrence of unpleasant sensations.

The efficiency of restoration of the stomach primarily depends on the proper power. Store the following recommendations:

  • Discard fried, sweet, sharp, salt and smoked food. The diet should include only homemade food (boiled, stewed or paired cooked) and vegetables, lowering acidity. These include carrots, cauliflower, trouser and potatoes. Eat rice, semolina or oatmeal daily.
  • From meat, only low-fat varieties, such as rabbit, chicken, beef, turkey, can be used. Choose fish on the same principle. The pike, heck and cod are ideal.
  • Milk and cheese will also benefit the patient with the stomach. So that the cells of the stomach are quickly recovered, it is useful to eat chicken eggs sick.
  • Restore from coffee, alcohol and carbonated drinks. Give preference to jissels, compatas and herbal teas.
  • For the stomach, fruits and berries are very useful. Instead of sweets, it is permissible to eat a little honey.
  • Before use, overtake and warm food.
  • Divide each meal for five servings. Attack Acid begins in the absence of any food in the stomach, so feeding often, but small parts, you protect it from its negative impact.

In the complex with a diet you can use folk remedies. Take two potatoes of large sizes, soda them in the shallow side of the grater, then press in two or three layers of marlevic tissue. Drink the resulting juice every morning before eating for fourteen-twenty days. Carrot juice also perfectly normalizes acidity. If you have heartburn, eat more milk. It has a property instantly thicken it.


Herbal teas also proved their effectiveness at elevated acidity. Take one tablespoon (without a slide) of rosehip and rowan fruits. Fill them with two glasses of boiling water and put them on a small fire. Ten minutes later, remove the decoction from the stove, cover the lid and leave for a day. Take a ready-made drink 50 ml three times a day. To restore the stomach, it is very useful to drink chamomile rags from dried chamomile (one tablespoon on a glass).

Another effective means in the fight against increased acidity - oatmeal porridge. Sail 100 g of oatmeal, fill it with 1 liter of water and boil on low heat. From time to time stir her. After cooking, add a pinch of salt, 50 g of honey and as many crushed non-jarny nuts. Use porridge before each food intake over the week.

If you are experiencing a big discomfort, immediately contact the gastroenterologist. The specialist will appoint special drugs that protect the stomach from exposure to a large amount of acid. He will also write funds to reduce its secretion. Such preparations such as "Mezim", "Pankreatin", "Holenzim", "Festal" are very popular. It is important to know that they have a one-time action, i.e. do not remove the root cause. It can be eliminated exclusively by normalizing its power.

Remember that any medication can only be taken after the doctor's recommendation. If you come to solve the problem comprehensively, the condition will significantly improve and remission will come. In the future, try not to abuse harmful products and stick to the right diet.

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