How to remove pain during gastritis

How to remove pain during gastritis

Gastritis is the problem of modernity. Almost every person in life experienced severe pain in the stomach. But not everyone knows how to relieve pain and relieve their well-being.

First of all, take any of the antacid drugs: Gastal, Maalox, Phosfaleugel, Renny, Gevison, Bellasthesis, Almagel-a. Antacid drugs soothes the gastric mucosa. They do not affect acidity and thus are universal drugs.

With reduced acidity of the stomach helps juice of raw potatoes and cabbage. Juice can be prepared using a juicer or squeeze with gauze. Drink on the floor of a glass of juice in the morning before meals.

Also, with reduced acidity, a teaspoon of soda will save, diluted in water. Despite the quick effect, the soda adversely affects the gastric mucosa in the future. Do not constantly resort to this method.

With a reduced secretory function of the stomach, take enzyme preparations, such as: Festal, Creon, Mezim, Digestal, Pankoff, Panzinorm. They will help food to digest faster, thereby facilitate the work of the stomach.

Flax seeds with gastritis to protect the stomach from the acid of gastric juice. Weganize 1 tablespoon of seeds for 5 minutes. Let it stand for 2 hours. Take a decoction on the tablespoon 3-4 times a day before meals.

Remove severe pain will help intramuscular injection of the following drugs: but-shts, Barallgin, Galidera. But-shpa can be served in tablets.

Aloe leaves juice will help remove severe pain. It is necessary to drink only 2 teaspoons or eat a scarlet leaf, wash and cleaned before the skin. The taste of Aloe is very kind and not everyone likes, in addition, doctors do not advise the abuse of this method. In addition to Aloe, you can eat and calanchoe sheet. Only use sheets of healing plants, not decorative.

Ordinary honey with milk can remove the pain during gastritis. In a glass of warm milk, dissolve a teaspoon of honey. Drink small sips and after 10-15 minutes, the pain should leave. If honey causes allergies, it can be replaced by the infusion of chamomile.

Honey is used to treat gastritis and separately from milk. Honey positively affects both heightened acidity and under reduced. It is dissolved in tea or in warm water. Honey is also mixed with plantain juice in equal proportions and boil 20 minutes. Take 2-3 tablespoons.

Calendula jam is a good people's way to remove pain during gastritis. Petals Calendula pour boiling water overnight. Sugar is added in the morning and boiled on a small fire for about an hour. Such jam can be made in advance and eat several spoons when pain appears.

In case of strong pain in the stomach caused by poisoning, it is necessary to immediately rinse the stomach. It is best to call an ambulance or go to the hospital.

All methods described above are mainly help to remove the symptoms, but they do not have a healing effect. If you are constantly tormented by pain in the stomach, you need to refer to the doctor and pass the survey. After all, the causes of gastritis are diverse, ranging from improper nutrition, ending with emotional experiences.


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Veronica 05/03/2021 at 18:04

Pain then do you occur? Helicobacter eats the stomach. It is very important to reduce its concentration. Helinorm helped me. I ordered him in the online store. Kills bacteria, restores the mucous membrane .. And this is despite the fact that there are no sides. In Russia, the analogues did not see more, it also says a lot, of course. Now there are no pain.


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