How to remove fat from the belly

How to remove fat from the belly

Currently, it is considered fashionable to look tightened, slim and young, the appearance becomes the second business card, which is to say that it is elementary healthy. But not everyone managed to achieve this - a sedentary lifestyle, laziness, stress, ecology, various violations (metabolism, hormonal, endocrine), diseases and improper nutrition make themselves felt. There is a problem of rapid weight gain, the appearance of fat, the surplus of which is concentrated, above all, on the stomach.

Get rid of this problem and return the former beauty and tightening to your tummy is not so simple, but it is quite possible, the benefit of the way for this is plenty. Use an integrated approach. Start with the normalization of metabolism, you can read it here. Balance meals, In your diet, turn on avocado, pineapple, legumes, spinach, oats, cheese and fermented food, ginger and cinnamon, garlic, millet and brown rice, zucchini, cabbage, pepper, carrots, cedar and almond nuts, olive and linen oils , Cranberry. From meat, prefer chicken, rabbit, beef and horseback. If you decide to sit on a diet - it is better if it is developed by a specialist, for example, this. Drink more water, horses, herbal teas, ragger of rosehip and dairy serum.

Ginger grated

Lighten the basics of respiratory gymnastics, it is quite effective. Sign up for pilates, swimming, equestrian sport. Excellent results Thanks to a daily run or cycling. If it is problematic for you because of too high body weight - start from walking. First, 1-3 km, then daily at least on a tolik, but increase the pace and distance. Those who do not have the opportunity to attend the gym, you will have to do at home. Daily exercises for at least an hour, including warming up and jumping with a rope, rotation of the hoop (start with metal or plastic, then go to weighty). To accelerate the achievement of the desired, train, wrapped with a food film, in a warm suit.


Here are some exercises. In position lying on the back, place your arms along the body, and straight legs lift as much as possible, if difficult - bend your knees. Either leaning the body from the floor, pull the legs bent into the knees, the palms are closed on the back of the head. Try and simultaneously lift the arms elongated above your head and straight legs, making the so-called boat. Or such: in the same position, bend legs, we have a feet of the floor, and keep your hands along the body and lift the pelvis high. And this is: legs - up, lift the case to them, pull the right hand to the left foot and vice versa. Do not forget about the movements of the cyclist. Take the stop lying, squeeze up and, pushing my legs from the floor, cut them to your hands, then jump into full growth. Abnormal and tilts, turns with dumbbells. Men will only help power training. And lactating moms to learn how to remove the tummy, can here.


Contrast shower is your assistant in solving this problem. At the same time, make a stomach massage, before this apply a warming cream or scrub on the problem zone, for example, from coffee grounds, salts or oatmeal, mixed with olive oil, with the addition of red pepper. If health allows, go to the sauna or bath. Effective and local massage, especially hardware (LPG). It is very effective. Resort to thalassotherapy, pressotherapy, mesotherapy. The key to obtaining positive results is regularity, this applies to all methods, including sports.

Stretch marks7.

If the dynamics is absent even if all the recommendations are met, or the cause is heredity, liposuction will come to the revenue, with the possibility of simultaneous abdominoplasty.

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Dina 06/09/2018 at 10:02.

I recently began to try in front of the exercise of natural-sport expert Energy ... And I had one-to add strength to the motivation, since they really didn't have enough ... And I didn't even notice how, but the weight began to decline much better ... Apparently stimulation of fats burning ... So, I can recommend this method)) And so, of course, sport and proper nutrition with a calorie deficiency - ahead of the planet all)

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