Beautiful slender legs with exact knees always were one from main women kozray. But what same make, if nature not dala such. benefits, or it it was, but groce from–per age features or dislike to physical loads? Even v such. case can do their knees more attractive. A we tell me most effective methods for achievements this goals.
Note straightaway, what put away fat above knees, how and v any another parts feminine body, quickly and passively not whenever. Here also need complex an approach – right nutrition, cosmetic procedures and physical load. V attitude nutrition necessary limit number acceptable simple carbohydrates and fats, a also salt and sharp dishes. Advantage will per vegetables, oatmeal, berries and lactic acid products. Moreover try last reception food make not later, how per 3 hours before sleep and refrain from food v flow two hours after training.
Help cope with « sleepy» knees massage and special cosmetic funds. TO example, do their knees more elegant can at aid tough mittens or mochliki, simply pretty massage problem places at adoption soul. Also can use anti-cellulite peeling or cream, wraps with honey or blue glina.
Not less effectively and that the exercise: stand up on floor on lap (sUCCESS on more facilities rug), at it is pull out body v one line and slowly, aside will be able to, tilt frame back. At it is try line corps not « break» – not let down pop, not bend. Insofar as the exercise not from lungs, for start enough will make pair approaches on 10 once.
Yet one good the exercise for beautiful knee: from regulations standing, hands on waist, bend one foot v knee. so, to hip it was parallel semi. Not hurry straighten raised foot, making kick forward. To achieve result, “pinate” fat above knees on 10 once each foot.
Do yours knees more tighted can and at aid squats. TO example, from regulations standing, legs on width shoulders pull out forward hands and capture their v lock. Not omitting hands, on exhale sitty so, to yours hips were parallel semi. Stay v sound 15–20 seconds, after what on inhale raise back. A little relax and repeat squats yet 9 once.
Additionally recommended more walk on foot (although would 50–60 minutes v day), on possibilities not using such benefits civilization, how elevator and public transport. Highly effective v attitude suspenders foot jumping on the rope, run, riding on bicycle, skating on rollers and swimming. At it is costs remember, what engaged sports, you move more beautiful not only their knees, but and all body, saving health. Selection active exercise for reliability from fat above knees see on video.
Locally, it is impossible to lose weight ... It is necessary to run the process completely. But, by the way, I managed to get rid of calories from these folds, training + fasting to improve fat burning (L-carnitine Sport expert received) - There are already legs right as from the cover ... I can't fall in love - I don't really pronounce my success))