How to burn fat on the stomach

How to burn fat on the stomach

With the onset of spring before women, the question arises, how to adjust the figure to the summer season? Everything seems to be nothing: the chest is high, the waist is thin, but the tummy hurt the fat and does not fit into any skirt. How to burn fat on the stomach not to the detriment of the family budget? Fat folds not only look unattractive. Extra kilograms are also a load on the heart, vessels, spine. Therefore, making the tummy flat, you will improve the shape and improve your body.

Burn fat on belly by physical exertion

To remove excess fat from the abdomen region, it is not necessary to fly a bullet to an advertised nutritionist, which in a smart species will write a fidelled diet. Good results can be achieved at home. The main thing is to believe in yourself and take note of our advice.

On the stomach there are three muscle groups: the lower, side and top press. They will train them to make the belly flat.

Important: You can do forty minutes before or after meals.

  • Pate the room quick step. Make a few slopes, squats, sipping. Heat, frow muscles and go to the main complex. It is performed lying on the floor, with intervals between repetitions in 15 seconds.
  • Raise your legs at an angle of 45º, hold for a few seconds, lower. Do not help with your hands, they must lie along the housing.
  • Legs up, make a birch, paved your back with your hands. Hold in this position 30 seconds, then go down.
  • Bend the legs in the knees, "twist", tightening the left elbow to the right knee and vice versa.
  • Put bent legs on the foot. Hands remove under the head. Raise the torso and pull to the knees.

In the fight for a flat stomach, you can connect daily evening jogging, cycling, skating, rollers, swimming.


Burn fat on your stomach with proper nutrition

By changing the power mode, you can remove extra kilograms, but you need to eat balanced.

  • Refuse greasy meat, butter, sweets. Cook the chicken, veal, seafood, fatty fish, whole grain porridge.
  • Enrich the diet with vegetables and fruits, nuts, eggs, low-fat curd, cheese.
  • Prepare dishes on vegetable oil. Eat 5-6 times a day, small portions.
  • Drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day, and green tea is five cups per day.
  • Use spices. Cinnamon, Cardamon, Cayenne Pepper, Kurkuma is tasty and useful. After all, with their help, the metabolism is improved, sweating increases, fat dissolves.
  • Drink within a month once a day at 150 ml of grapefruit juice to reduce the feeling of hunger.
  • Boil celery soup, natural fat burner.
  • Take the Kochan Beijing Cabbage, 4 Celery Stem, 1 Sweet Pepper, 3 Tomato, Tomato Juice Litter. Wash vegetables, finely cut, put in a saucepan, pour juice and boil on a quiet fire for 10 minutes. Turn off, give a quarter of an hour.

Burn fat on the stomach people

In the struggle for the ideal figure, it is better than fat burning ignitions not to come up with - simply, accessible, effectively. Before starting the procedure, wash the stomach with water. Prepare a mixture for appliqué, food, towel. Events spend twice a week before receiving the result.

Coffee and Honey Obcoming

Take 100 gr. Ground coffee, tablespoon of honey, 3/4 glasses of water. Mix all, apply a stomach with a stomach, close the cellophane, check out the towel. Jump the pants and go for 15 minutes. Then climb under the blanket. After half an hour, put the residues of the composition.


Obdating with laminaria

150 gr. Algae fill with water for swelling. Then put the resulting compress on the stomach, fix the film, warming up. Keep 20 minutes.

Clay applique

Mix 50 gr. White clay, 2 tablespoons of cocoa, 15 drops of lemon oil, 25 gr, olive oil. Slide the mixture problem space. After half an hour, wash the residues of the mass.

These procedures activate metabolic processes, remove toxins and split fats.


The right set of exercises, fractional nutrition, water balance, the application of appliquational procedures in a month will convert your body beyond recognition.

Comments leave a comment
lara 09/11/2018 at 8:01

Calorie deficit and sport-main assistants ... But you can also resort to fat burgers. Lungs are not dangerous to health. Take, for example, the same L-Carnitine (SportExperspert, for example) -Heeper helps it very cool, and the energy with it becomes more ... or coffee is always the result for energy goes, accordingly, spend more calories - in general pluses are obvious)


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