Visceral fat - how to get rid of

Visceral fat - how to get rid of

Excess fat in the body is a danger to the normal operation of all organs. A special danger represents internal fat, which accumulates on the internal organs. It is not easy to notice him, but get rid of it - even more difficult. How to do this, let's find out.

What is visceral fat

These are the same fat deposits that do not accumulate under the skin, but are formed around the internal organs. There is a fat in any form in the body of each of us, but within the limits of permissible norms. If the total fat exceeds 15% of the total weight of a person, then we can say that there will be no health problems in the near future. If this figure fluctuates in the direction of magnification, then you need to beat the alarm.

How to determine the level of visceral fat in the body

To determine exactly how much visceral fat is present in your body, it is advisable to pass a medical examination. But most people have time for hiking for doctors are not enough. Calculate the fat coefficient in the body can be independently if you use the formula. As a basis, we take the volume of the waist of a woman in centimeters. We measure the waist - we draw conclusions. Norm - 88 cm, if you have less - congratulations. With the volumes of inner fat you are fine. If more - it's time to think about it.

As for men, the volume of the waist is normal up to 94 cm, if more - we draw conclusions.

And now we consider. In addition to the waist, you need to measure the volume of the hips, and then divide the amount of the waist on the thigh circle number. The resulting digit and will be the coefficient of the amount of visceral fat in the body. If the coefficient is less than 0.88 among the representatives of the fine floor, this is the norm. In men, the norm is up to 94 cm.

Consider the example. Suppose the girl's volume of the thighs is 100 cm, the waist is 74. We divide 74 to 100, we obtain a coefficient of 0.75. Fixed normal, everything is in order, but it is too early to relax. A healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition will not interfere.

How to get rid of visceral fat

Nutritionists immediately pay the attention of "pyshnes" to ensure that it will have to fight long and stubbornly, but it is worth it. First of all, you need to change your taste habits and begin to eat right. PP or proper nutrition is neither a diet nor starvation, it is an opportunity to help the body get rid of accumulated slags and reset extra kilograms. On PP, you need to use more plant products, approximately 70% of the daily diet should consist of plant food, and the remaining 30% are proteins and slow carbohydrates.

Get rid of fat consistently:

  • remember: Eat more vegetable food, more vegetables and fruits;
  • reduce oily food: these are fats, fatty meat (pork), butter, as well as coconut and palm;
  • transjira - full failure. This component is part of the spreads, margarine, present in the shopping baking (cakes, cakes, cookies, candy and other confectionery);
  • it is necessary to limit the use of products with a high glycemic index (popcorn, beer, buns, white bread, fried potatoes, chips, manna porridge, etc.);
  • alcohol - it is advisable to completely abandon the use of such drinks;
  • if you love buns and white bread, it is gradually necessary to replace it with a baking from the flour of coarse grinding;
  • sausage and other types of smoked meats - limit, and instead of the usual snacks sandwiches with sausage, you can eat a handful of nuts, dried fruits, make a salad of fresh vegetables, eat orange or grapefruit;
  • regular physical exertion - without them can not do. What can be recommended: walking on foot, you can enable the pool. Playing tennis, football - welcome, run, swim, drive on casters, ice skating and cycling. More activity!

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Dasha 05/10/2020 at 13:14

This is how, as if, visceral fat, then without additives it is not necessary to do, because it is necessary to monitor cholesterol. I like a dietist doctor can recommend to take a lipotropic factor from Evalar, it helps excess fat to bring out of the body and cholesterol greatly leads to the norm that to get rid of visceral fat and need))

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