How to reduce the buttocks

How to reduce the buttocks

The dream of any woman is rounded hips and elastic buttocks. Many of the individuals of weak gender know no obstacle that fat deposits first arise in these places. Women use different methods to reduce the buttocks: Some are sent to plastic surgeons, others are trying to overcome the problem with physical exertion, others adhere to strict diets or use special cosmetics. If there is no money on the plastic, then any woman can reduce the buttocks at home. However, it is necessary to count on what it takes a lot of time and have to make significant efforts. The main thing is to follow the instructions and do everything in the complex.

It is not necessary to believe that it is possible to become the owner of beautiful buttocks in a week - this is the result of long workouts, special diets with the use of cosmetics. Most often, fat accumulates in these places due to stress, nutritional food, largeriness or hormonal disorders. In the process of the correction of the figure, the sequence and perseverance must be observed.

Comprehensive exercises are capable not only to reduce the buttocks, but also make them elastic and beautiful. You need to do at least three times a week, the more - the better. As an option - you can sign up for a gym, where experienced instructors will help deal with the exercises and make an individual plan, or go to aerobics, shaping and all sorts of sports activities. But if the above options do not fit into your plans, you will have to do at home. Here Comprehensive exercises are presented to reduce the buttocks that can be performed at home.

Together with exercise, you need to reconsider your diet. A strict diet is not recommended, it is enough to limit the use of some products: fatty meat, sour cream, cream, sweets and flour products. You can eat veal, beef, fruit, vegetables and cereals. Protein is allowed to consume only 25 g per day. In the 1980s, a book called "diet for the buttocks and hips", which headed the list of bestsellers was issued. Her author of Rosemary Konley. More detailed about the diet, described in this book, you can read here.

To achieve maximum effect, it is necessary to use more cosmetics. In this case will help wraps. You can use different "filling": mud, chocolate, algae, clay or honey. After the bathrooms you need to apply the selected funds to the skin area, wrap the food film and cover with a towel. Hold for an hour, and it is recommended to use every other day. There will be aromatic baths with different oils: jojoba, juniper, cypress, with the addition of sea salt. You can independently do a massage with cosmetics - they will help make the skin smooth and elastic. For example, Retinol Anti-Ctllulite (ROC), Bode Strategist concentrate from Comfort Zone, Celluly Gel (Biotherm), Cream "No Complex" from Givenchy and others.

Reduce the buttocks and give them a rounded form may each woman, just adhere to certain instructions, which include: exercise, diet and use of cosmetics. To become a possession of beautiful buttocks, you need to carry out comprehensive procedures on an ongoing basis.

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