How to wear a postpartum bandage

How to wear a postpartum bandage

After childbirth, many women have a stomach for a long time. And this, of course, bothers the fair sex. There is a desire to restore previous forms, as before childbirth: so that the waist again becomes thin, there were no stretch marks and excess weight. However, not everyone knows how to deal with this problem. It is necessary to start with the simplest - to wear a postpartum bandage. It will put in order the muscles of the abdominal part of the body, remove the excessive load from the back.

How to choose a bandage

When choosing a postpartum bandage, consider our tips:

  1. It is better to buy such an item in a pharmacy department or a special store. Sales consultants will be able to advise you the right size of the postpartum bandage, tell you how to put it on correctly. And most importantly, you can try on it, if you are uncomfortable in it, then you will change the inappropriate thing to a more convenient thing. Such a bandage is not visible under the clothes, the seams will not crush and leave marks on the skin, fasteners will not cause inconvenience in any body movements.
  2. If you got a bandage from a girlfriend or sister, then it is unlikely that he will fulfill all his functions. After all, the elasticity of the thing has already been broken, and the size may not be suitable.
  3. From what material the postpartum bandage was made - not so fundamental. Some women like to use cotton, others from elastan or microfibers. Choosing you is a matter of taste.

Types of bandages

The main purpose of postpartum bandages is the provision of prolonging effects on the stomach. Divide such products into several types:

  • the bandage-bums are designed to pull out not only the abdominal part, but also the hips with the buttocks;
  • the bandage-trusses are convenient to wear, sit tight on the stomach;
  • a universal bandage is used in the paths and postpartum, after childbirth - they are worn backwards (wide strip from the front);
  • the belt is quite a wide strip, which sometimes reaches the chest - closes the entire stomach, can fasten on Velcro or fasteners.


Before you start using the bandage, consult a obstetrician and make sure that you have no contraindications and restrictions. These include:

  • skin diseases, allergies to some types of tissues;
  • tracketing pathologies;
  • some types of seams after the obstetric operation to extract the fetus;
  • edema, kidney disease.


When you can start wearing a bandage

With normal pregnancy, mothers put on a pulling bandage the next day. Although specialist doctors against such actions, constipation may occur due to compression of the intestine. It is better to start wearing tight clothing seven to ten days after the appearance of the baby. Let the body recover and get stronger after the changes: the chair will improve, postpartum pains will pass. And after discharge from the hospital, you can think about beauty. Dress the bandage lying, in this position the abdominal muscles are completely relaxed, so it will be easier to fasten the belt hooks. Wear the product daily (8-10 hours a day), but no more than 4-5 hours in a row, arrange breaks-give the body to rest. So you have to walk for one or two months until you restore the previous parameters.

The use of a bandage after the birth of a child is not a mandatory procedure. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the structure of the figure, heredity. Some mothers have a slender waist, smooth skin even without the use of delaying clothing in a week.

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