How to remove stretch marks on the chest

How to remove stretch marks on the chest

One of the most disturbing problems for each woman is stretching on the chest. This unpleasant phenomenon usually occurs in the postpartum period or during pregnancy, when the mammary glands are rapidly increasing in size, and the skin does not have time for their growth. As a result, connective tissues are torn, and scars are formed on the chest. They are easy to see on the eye and feel feel. Stretch marks are not harmful, but noticeably spoil the aesthetic beauty in the area of \u200b\u200bthe neckline. Therefore, the lover of healthy skin in every way is looking for various methods to eliminate them. We find out how to cope with it.

It's important to know

It is desirable to remove stretch marks at the stage of their occurrence, since the fresh young scars are much easier to heal than the old, which have emerged a few years ago. Therefore, as soon as we see the slightest manifestations of stretch marks in the chest area, immediately begin intensive prevention. If this problem arose at the stage of breastfeeding, it is worth waiting for the stopping of lactation and only then solve it. In order for the skin on the chest to become smooth and without stretch marks, it will not be enough to perform some kind of type of treatment. All procedures must be committed in the complex. And then the effect will be guaranteed.

Moisturizing water

Water as nothing else can affect the problem areas of the skin by their moisturizing. Penetrating into the cells, the liquid restores the water balance and speeds up the exchanged process, which favorably affects the regeneration of the skin in places with scars. To eliminate stretch marks, the following procedures will be helped:

  • bath with aromatic oils;
  • salt bath;
  • a shower of a contrast character;
  • pouring;
  • breast massage using pieces of ice burst;
  • wasten your chest.

Massage treatments

At home, along with water treatments it is possible to make two types of breast massage:

  • Manual massage. It is necessary to hold one hand with one hand, and the second to perform massage circular movements from the location of the nipples to the base, while not affecting the nipples themselves.
  • Taoist massage. The technique of this massage is to massage the area around the chest. Movements need to be performed in the reverse order, from the base to the center, paying attention to all the chest area and slightly pressed on the chest itself. Such a massage is especially good in cosmetic salons.


Among the cosmetic drugs there are plenty of funds to perform all the useful procedures for cleansing and healing the skin. The most effective of them:

  • coffee peeling with the addition of honey;
  • rubbing oils (linen, olive, coconut);
  • masks with ginger, which can be replaced by incense or rosemary;
  • wrapping by algae;
  • clay enveloping.

To improve the result, when processing the skin, try to select substances rich in vitamins A and E.

Physical exercise

Restore the elasticity of the skin in our case will help a number of physical exercises aimed at the development of breast muscles. Especially it will be useful to swim in which the main muscles in the chest muscles are involved, and the right posture. If there is no possibility to visit the pool or swim in natural reservoir, then the procedure can be replaced by some exercises by making them at home. Imagine some of them:

  1. We become a face for the wall, rely on it with your hands and do at least ten repulsions.
  2. Standing lines hands and pull them along the body. We try to maximize the blades on the back, do not regret the shoulders. Keep each position for ten seconds and perform at least eight times.
  3. Separate in the lotus position, connect the palms and try to squeeze them hard for about ten times.
  4. We do at least one hundred circular movements with hands at moderate speed.

Proper nutrition

The diet should also be revised and be sure to saturate it with products, which includes a lot of vitamin A and E. Among them focus on sea cabbage, liver, sour cream, cottage cheese, spinach, oatmeal, bark, and on seafood, nuts and dried fruits. We often replace coffee with tea with viburnum, rosehip and chamomile. Stop drinking alcohol and harmful food containing many chemical impurities, preservatives and dyes. This applies to chips, various types of preserves, carbonated drinks, ready-made snacks with a high content of flavoring additives.

Medical procedures

The clinics and cosmetic salons present a huge selection of techniques to combat stretch marks. Therefore, if it is impossible to cope yourself, it will be better to turn to professionals. Chemical and laser peels, mesotherapy (introduction under the skin of a special fluid), microdermabrasion (exfoliation of abrasive substance) and wrapping are used to eliminate breast scars.

Now we know how to remove stretch marks and make the skin on the chest beautiful and elastic. Let these troubles never be disturbing us.

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