Stretching in men how to remove

Stretching in men how to remove

Men's skin is susceptible to the appearance of stretch marks, like female. The reasons for this are the rapid range of weight, hormonal failure, extension of muscle mass during sports, as well as pancreas and thyroid diseases. Some male representatives are very quietly relate to this phenomenon and do not even notice. But many men still arise a number of complexes about their appearance, and be sure to help them deal with this delicate problem. So, how to eliminate the stretching revealed on the male body? Consider more detailed.

Homemade means

A very simple way to spend the coupling structure of the skin is to regularly apply a homemade scrub from ordinary grapes or chopped grapes. To keep the consistency well on the skin, you should add a shower gel to it. At the same time, the procedure must be repeated daily to come out the real effect. An ordinary cosmetic scrub solves the problem much slower.

It will be very useful to combine such a procedure with wiping the entire body with a sisal mitten. It should be understood from below to increase blood circulation. At the end, spread the stretch marks by any means in which there is a lot of vitamin A. and then the process of skin regeneration will noticeably accelerate, and the scars will gradually disappear.

Very productive is the method of wrapping with honey or special algae. With honey, everything is clear and simply, it should be heated a little and about forty minutes to hold on the right section of the body. Laminarium algae can be bought in a pharmacy, pour hot water and watch the process of their swelling. After attaching stretch marks and keep at least twenty minutes, preferably under the cellophan.

You can also prepare a mixture with mumiya. To do this, we buy a tablet or paste in a pharmacy or a paste with mumiya, we break with water. Twice a day should rub the resulting mixture into problem areas. A similar effect will cause a compress with lemon juice. It must be done from the fresh lemon juice and hold half an hour on the skin.

Professional help

Most men try to avoid hikes to the hospital. However, the desire to restore the beauty of the body often wins in the struggle over unthinkable fears. To do this, you need to understand which kinds of assistance can do doctors. The most common peeling with a chemical substance that burns and smoothes stretching.

Along with him, the treatment with a laser is practiced. These two ways are the most painless and fast. There is also a peculiar method that cleans the skin from the top layer using microscopic crystals. The top layer of the skin is removed along with its problem part, and deep scars are restored. Very complex and quite painful is the ozone method of getting rid of the skin from stretch marks. Special ozone gas is introduced under the skin and helps to improve elasticity. Ozone therapy in the fight with stretch marks is most effective.


Watch out

Of course, a healthy lifestyle and proper full-fledged nutrition for male health is a great way to prevent unnecessary skin stretchings or speed up the process of their elimination. Therefore, you should not pass protein food. It must be included in the diet as many products containing vitamins A, E, C. For example, such as, carrots, walnuts, hazelnuts, soybean oil, spinach, red bell pepper, oranges, cabbage, kiwi, parsley. But at the same time, you should not load yourself with excessive meal, since the rapid weight gain just provokes the appearance of stretch marks on the skin. During the day, it is necessary to drink at least two liters of pure water. At the same time, juices, tea and other drinks are not here. Sport classes categorically do not need to accompany the adoption of various additives that increase the mass of muscles.

In order to avoid stretch marks, men are no less women should take care of their health and the condition of their body. But if this problem has already appeared, the above-described treatment methods will perfectly help to cope with it. And do not think that the fight against stretch marks is not a male subject theme. After all, beauty recipes are equally useful for everyone.

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