How to remove the ears on the hips

How to remove the ears on the hips

Sooner or later, every girl can hear about her "ears on the hips." But not being a fitness instructor, do not all understand the meaning and the meanings of this phrase. Let's figure it out in this problem, as well as define the main points in dealing with it.

What are ears on hips

It is unlikely that you will ever meet a man with ears on the hips. It may be one case per million. Even if a man has a lot of overweight, he still will not be these eared trouble. As a rule, this is a female problem. This is all connected with the biological features of women.

In our body, fatty tissue can be divided into two types. To the first one refers such a fat stupor, which accumulates directly under the skin and serves as a storage device of nutrients. This species as quickly can be purchased as quickly as quickly can be parted with it. It is for this that the main diets and exercises to combat extra kilograms are sent.

The second type of grease layer is a backup stock. This layer does not just accumulate subcutaneous fat, but performs certain functions. This type of adipose tissue is formed in women from the very beginning of puberty. This period is usually lasts from 13 years to 20. This fabric accumulates in order to help the body when producing estrogen. After the process of puberty ends in the body, the need for this tissue completely disappears.

Get rid of "ears" at all at all. Diets in this matter are absolutely powerless. The body simply simply preserves this cloth, thereby not allowing it to burn. To overcome this problem, it is necessary to turn this alone into muscle tissue. This can be done only with the help of exercise directed directly to this area. In the growing muscle mass, this layer will be a nutritional resource.

Methods of combating ears on hips

Now let's consider the basic methods of combating unnecessary adipose tissue. Record for yourself Highlights and turn on all this in your daily life.

The benefits of exercise

In addition to the main exercises that you do to maintain the body in Tonus, you should add exercises directed directly to the hips.

Also very good way is alternate relaxation and tension of the buttock muscles. The most important advantage of this exercise is what can do it absolutely anywhere. And at home, at work, and on the way to the store your muscles will work.

Even very well will help running and ordinary walking. It will be enough to stroll in the fresh air often and exercise with this descent and lifts on various stairs.

Food rules when dealing with "ears"

Of course, with an integrated approach to the fight against such disadvantages, you should not forget about the adjustment of your food. There are no particularly strict restrictions, but still cut the portions to the desired size is simply necessary. Also worth paying attention to your snacks. It is better if it is an apple or dried fruit, but no buns and sandwiches. If you want to speed up the process of getting rid of "ears", it is better to abandon fatty fried meat dishes, various flour products. Always remember the benefits of water for our body. Water not only quenches thirst, but also speeds up all the processes that occur in the body. The necessary daily need of the body is about two liters.

Massages and wraps

In order to achieve beautiful and smooth skin, without massages and wraps do not do. Massage can be both manual and vacuum. To enhance the effect, it is desirable to use essential oils. To do this, you can add a few ether droplets in 10 ml of vegetable oil. For example, an orange, juniper or lemon oil will be a good option.

Wraps in turn will help speed up the metabolic processes, warp the subcutaneous fat. To do this, we need to use chocolate masks, ginger or green tea and turn around the food film.

Exercises aimed at combating ears on hips

Now consider the main exercises that we can do at home. It is advisable to do physical exercises at least two times a week. It follows either two hours before meals or two hours after meals. It should be started with a warm-up, and end with stretching muscles. So, consider the main exercises:

  • Squats. Perform this exercises follows from the source position. Feet on the width shoulders, hands should be pulled forward. It follows that the lower point of the thigh is parallel to the floor. Another exercise is called "incomplete critic." Perform such an exercise should be at least twenty times.
  • Wide squat. This type of squats with widespread legs are performed, while socks are diluted to the sides.
  • Drops. There should be deep attacks forward, alternating legs every ten times.
  • Mahi legs. This exercise is done standing. You should alternately make mahi legs back. At the same time, it should be relying either about the wall or about the back of the chair. Each foot should perform at least 20 masks.
  • Mahi lying. Exercise is performed lying on the side. At the same time make Mahi foot up. Make twenty-masses every foot.

In order to achieve an ideal figure, it is good to work well. The ears on the hips is a problem that is not completely solved. But always everything is possible. Engage yourself and be beautiful.

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