How to remove the second chin at home

How to remove the second chin at home

The problem of the second chin worries both women and men. Most often, this cosmetic disadvantage is found in people's excess people, but thin people can become possessors of the second chin.

Causes of the advent of the second chin

  • The appearance of the second chin may be laid at the genetic level. Simply put, heredity plays the main role. If your parents have such a problem, it is likely that you can encounter with it.
  • Excess weight. Weight change. Overweight in humans can cause fat deposits in the field of the lower jaw. Also, the second chin may occur as a result of weight change. For example, after a sharp weight loss, a stretched and weakened skin in the field of the lower jaw forms a fold - a second chin.
  • Age changes. With age, our skin loses useful proteins (elastin and collagen), which are responsible for the elasticity and elasticity of the skin, as a result of which she simply saves under the strength of gravity.
  • Diseases of thyroid. If you have a second chin, then you think this is not connected with any of the above reasons, it is possible that you should contact the endocrinologist.
  • Also, the appearance of the second chin can provoke an improper power, a bad posture or an incorrectly selected pillow.

How to remove the second chin, not paying for help to cosmetologists and surgeons?

  • First, if the appearance of the second chin is associated with overweight, it is necessary to reduce the amount of calorie consumed. It is also very important to exclude fatty, acute and salty food from its diet.
  • Secondly, it is very important to choose the right pillow that will approach you in height. A good height pillow should not be more than 15 cm.
  • Thirdly, perform gymnastics against the second chin daily.

Exercises to remove the second chin at home

  • One of the easiest and most effective exercises: patting the back of the back of the hand. At the same time, the fingers should be tense. Exercise no more than two minutes.
  • Slowly raise and lower the chin, representing that you raise some kind of cargo. This exercise is performed in five approaches 2-3 times a day.
  • Take the book (the more, the better) and put it on your head. The chin at the same time should slightly go up. We walk around the room with a book on the head of 6-7 minutes.
  • Sit at the table, keep posture smoothly. Pull the neck forward and put the chin on the fist. Press the jaw to the jaw, while try to open your mouth as wide as possible. Eight approaches for 30 seconds will be enough.
  • Lie on your back, keep your head on the weight. Raise your head and look at the foot. Then take the starting position. Perform an exercise 20 times.
  • Strain the chin, pull the lips forward and pronounce the sounds of "U", "O", "and", while maintaining the maximum clear articulation.

Performing these exercises and eliminate all external factors affecting the formation of the second chin, you will soon be able to see pleasant changes.

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