How to pull the chin

How to pull the chin

The problem of the fallen chin is relevant not only for ladies aged, but also for completely young girls. The second chin gives the face an excessive completeness. The owner of such a chin begins to experience certain complexes. Modern cosmetology offers several ways to get rid of ugly folds. Consider the simplest methods that can be performed at home and popular salon procedures.

Proper nutrition

As a rule, the second chin is a consequence of improper nutrition. Give the skin of the elastic healthy view will help compliance with the following rules:

  • Compliance with water regime. On the day you need to drink 2 liters of pure water. With a lack of fluid, the body begins to save it, which is manifested in the form of eath.
  • Use Much of vegetables and fruits.
  • Refusal of bad habits, in particular from alcohol. The use of alcoholic beverages also leads to the swelling of the face.
  • Calcium helps the body when weight loss. No wonder the many diets is based on the use of cottage cheese, fish, dried fruits.
  • Reducing salt consumption.

Physical exercise

To combat extra folds on the chin  checking  for face  every day, which will make the muscles of the face and chin  more elastic. In front of the exercises, apply cream or honey on the skin. Each exercise is performed 5-10 times:

  1. Put a chair in front of you and sorted on it face to the back. Put the hands on the back of the chair, and the chin - on the hands. Try to open your mouth, overcoming resistance.
  2. Take a pencil in your teeth. Draw in the air oval, square, triangle, star, write  your last name, name, patronymic. You can also write any numbers.
  3. In order to stretch the muscles well, tilt your head to the shoulders, trying to get  the edge of the shoulder chin.
  4. The thinned language will reach the nose, then before the chin.
  5. Loku settle down on the floor, hands behind the head. Bend legs in your knees. Alternately tighten the chin to the hands and chest. Stand up from the floor.
  6. After performing the exercises, it is recommended to carry out a chin massage and neck. Massage can be made with fingers or use special devices. Tie the ordinary bandage to the problem zone, after half an hour, remove.


In a complex with exercise, mask massage will help to achieve the desired pull-up effect. In the case of mask use the first time check in advance  components on the likelihood of an allergic reaction. Before applying any mask, clean the skin. In pharmacies and cosmetic stores are offered special masks for a problem chin, but  can  prepare masks independently for folk recipes:

  1. the effect lifting It is achieved with clay-based masks. Tablespoon black  or white clay is divorced in mineral water. The mixture is applied to the chin area and neck for 15 minutes.
  2. A yeast mask is no less effective. Fresh yeast is bred by water to the consistency of sour cream. Give the mixture to stand for half an hour after  to impose on a problem zone for 15-20 minutes. From above can be covered with a film or towel.
  3. Potato mask  prepared from 1-2 boiled potatoes. Potatoes crowed in mashed potatoes, dilute with milk. Add yolk, on a teaspoon of honey and sea salt. The mask is applied at least  30 minutes.
  4. Mask from Glycerin will make the skin elastic, helps to get rid of small wrinkles. The mixture is prepared from the teaspoon of glycerin, 2 h. Honey, yolk. Applied to the skin. Washed after 10-15 minutes with warm water.
  5. Another option is a parsley mask. The greens are thoroughly crushed, cream is added. The mask can be held 20 minutes.
  6. A good effect is achieved and with richness oils, mint, jojoba. Such procedures must be conducted by courses: 3 times a week one month,  repeated in 2-3 months.


The use of compresses with compressions is one of the most effective ways to prevent skin dehydration. Thanks to the following procedures, the skin becomes healthy color, becomes elastic:

  1. Compress from juice sauerkraut. Add to juice  prostokowa or lemon juice. Moistened towel leave on the skin  for 20 minutes.
  2. Copper cooked compress  hypericum, chamomile and peppermint cope with sagging skin chin. For infusions need a tablespoon of each herb. Composition pour boiled water, let it brew. Soaked towel to put on the skin. It can be used as a hot infusion, and cold. Use two weeks every day.
  3. Compress  with lemon juice, not only tightens the skin, but also  it creates a whitening effect. Soak cotton wool or gauze juice  one lemon. Apply the compress for 20-30 minutes.

 Help beauticians

In beauty salons individually selected procedures for the correction of the chin. Each method has its pros and cons:

  1. The most radical include bioreinforcement. This is a special medical technology,  as a result of which the frame is inserted an artificial entity  from the gel. The patient may be prompted several options:  injection botox, biorevitalization, mesotherapy. These procedures are best done after 40 years. The method is very effective, but after the injections bruises.
  2. But ozone therapy is effective only up to  50 years. Under the skin are introduced ozone mixture, the first time may experience discomfort.
  3. By painful procedures include iontophoresis, but the action of electric pulses bring stable result.
  4. Lymphatic drainage - a special manual or hardware massage, during which persists  fluid retention.
  5. myostimulation or the influence of impulse current is applied in conjunction with lymphatic drainage and injections of fat splitters.
  6. Ultrasound therapy is different duration of treatment. Used in combination with creams and  gel.

In order not to resort to costly cosmetic innovative techniques, it's better to carry out regular prevention of double chin and stick to a healthy lifestyle.

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