How to enlarge breasts at home

How to enlarge breasts at home

Not satisfied with the size of the bust - do not be upset and resort to the help of plastic surgeons. Artificial bust looks like "appetizing", but possible complications, implants and high costs make this procedure less attractive. It is worth working on yourself, take advantage of the folk methods and a beautiful, tightened breasts are provided to you.

The easiest way to increase breast size is to introduce certain products into the diet. A diet for girls wishing to increase bust is contraindicated, since when slimming, first of all, fat leaves with a chest. As a result, she just sags, loses its elasticity. Product No. 1 to increase breast - cabbage. But it only acts during the growth period of the mammary glands - up to 18 years. In a more mature age, the cabbage will not result. Other products helping to adjust the volume of the bust:

  • grain, cereals:
  • milk and dairy products;
  • bump of hops;
  • fat fish;
  • schuput, linseed oil.

Recipe with hop: Spoon of hop cones pour a glass of boiling water and insist in a thermos for 6 hours. Drinking the infusion of 3 weeks half a cup before meal.

The bust of the hormones increase: estrogen, xenastrogen, prolactin, testosterone. Preparations with a content of certain hormones cannot be applied independently. Be sure to consult a specialist. Only he after research, analyzes will determine which hormone and in what quantity you need to apply. Perhaps the doctor will register the complex of hormonal drugs.

Work out the habit every day after the shower to make a breast massage. You can use conventional bold or special means that increase the elasticity of the chest. Cream distribute to the bust area and make circular movements starting from the nipple and moving towards armpits, then to the shoulders. Massage duration not more than 5 minutes. All movements should be soft and smooth, it is impossible to prescribe a lot on the mammary glands - this can lead to their injury.

Nothing helps to increase bust as gymnastics and exercise. You will not see a significant result, but you can pull up, raise your breast muscles. And a clear form, a pronounced relief and elasticity is better than just size. The most common exercises:

  1. Pressing from the floor, a day for 20 times.
  2. Elbows at the shoulder level, palm together. With all the power, squeeze your palms. A day 10 times.
  3. To lie on the back, throw hands behind your head. Take weights and raise up.
  4. Palms rest on the wall and try to repel it.

Do not love or are lazy to work on yourself? Then pick up the right clothes and underwear. Push-AP bras make a bust volume and visually increase breasts to one size. T-shirts, blouses with a V-neck visually highlights the decolte area.

Increasing the chest at home - the process is simple and easily feasible. Do not despair if your efforts do not bring quick results. You are beautiful in that kind, in what is.


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