How to increase lips at home

How to increase lips at home

The external beauty of the woman at all times implied not only an attractive figure and face, because the female lips never remained outside male attention. Puffy expressive lips, like Angelina Jolie, have been identical for several years ideal according to surveys spent around the world. But if nature did not give you voluminous lips, it is not yet a reason to despair or go to the plastic surgeon. Our grandmothers knew special recipes to adjust the shape of the lips through massage, exercises and folk remedies.

One of the simplest ways to increase lips - massage. Take a dry toothbrush, soft or medium stiffness, and carefully massage the lips until there is a slight feeling of heat and ripples. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day.

No less effective way - special exercises, because lips also have muscles that can be "pumping". The main thing is to train regularly and persistently, not missing classes:

  • For 5 minutes, inspire any melody, a new one every day. This exercise serves as the so-called "warm-up" for the muscles of the mouth before performing subsequent exercises.
  • Open the mouth and completely drop the language, hold out for 5-10 seconds. Repeat 10 times.
  • Type air, inflatable cheeks, then strongly blow like you dandelion. Lips relax. Perform an exercise 5 times.
  • Fold your lips into the tube like a fish, and then pull them out in a smile. Make 15 approaches.
  • Slimify the wolf: For 5 minutes, "Wuwuu", "Avuuuu", try to pull out each sound and do not hurry.
  • Tightly squeeze your lips and make 5 circular movements clockwise and against.
  • About 2 minutes bite your lips with teeth, but so to damage them. So you improve blood circulation in the mouth area.
  • Hardly draw your lips and stay so 20 seconds. Repeat 5 approaches with minor breaks.

There are also express methods of increasing lips at home. In truth, they act for a short time, about 6-10 hours, but the result is really awesome. Yes, and if you repeat these procedures 2-3 times a day, you can enjoy the round-the-clock effect.

  • Spend on the lips of ice cubes, and then attach a napkin moistened in warm water. Repeat several times until you feel easy tingling. Last time after ice, eat your lips with teeth.
  • The use of burning pepper - the method is painful, but it is worth it. Grind the pod of red burning peppers, pour boiling water and give it. While the fluid is warm, wet the napkin in it and attach it to the lips as much as you can tolerate, preferably up to minute. If you add vaseline to peppers, the infusion is not so strong, but then you need to keep the napkin longer - up to three minutes.
  • You can chew a fresh root of ginger, inflicting a tongue on the lips of Cashitz from ginger. Clean and massage lips with casket.
  • Mix cinnamon, honey and olive oil to the glove thickness. Apply a mixture to the toothbrush and spend her lips.
  • Pass the lips of the lemon zest approximately 5 minutes until you feel tingling and numbness.
  • Apply menthoral essential oil onto cotton swab and attach to lips for 5-10 minutes.


Do not forget after any manipulations with lips to apply moisturizing balm on them.

In arsenal women, there is a lipstick, pencil and lip gloss. Having made a good makeup, you can also visually give lips more plump and seductive color.

After reading this article, you made sure that you can increase your lips at home without much time spent, and cash is not essentially required, as most people's recipes include conventional products that can be found almost in any kitchen. Do on the form of your lips, make them more voluminous, bright and soft - there is no limit to perfection!

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