How to raise the corners of the lips

How to raise the corners of the lips

How are you inconvenient, youth! You do not have time to look back, and small wrinkles have already been captured on the face - the first old age messengers. It ceases to delight reflection in the mirror, when you notice the sadly lowered corners of the mouth - one of the most unpleasant age finishes. But from the form of lips, and therefore smiles, really much depends on, because it decorates even a very harsh face, it is a sign of openness and trust, demonstrates friendliness and understanding, smoothes from those who surround the first impression of a person and even, as it comes in the famous children's Song, makes the world of light. Therefore, it is desirable to begin to take care of the Milosity and the beautiful outline of your mouth as early as possible.

There are several ways to solve the task - how to raise the corners of the lips. Each of the women can choose more suitable for themselves: to use expensive cosmetic products, resort to the services of plastic surgery, master the corrective gymnastics for the face or mask defects with makeup. For most of the most beautiful floor representatives, two first options will disappear automatically: the first is financially inappropriate, the second is not only costly, but also frightening. Based on this mathematics, consider as an alternative exercise aimed at the prevention of aging, and the secrets of makeup, allowing visually to raise the corners of the lips.

So, if you decide to use facebilding as a rescue circle - the gymnastics for the face, it means that the choice fell on a longer way, but it is truth to say, and more efficient. To achieve the desired result, it is not necessary for a lot - patience, self-discipline and perseverance. Well wash your hands, become a mirror and proceed to perform a simple set of exercises.

Fix the thumb left directly for the right cheek - on the inside of the corner of the mouth. The remaining fingers should be fixed from the outside of the cheek in this position so that they feel a big fellow. Now pull up the corner of the lips to the center, opposed to the direction of the facial muscle, whose movement is directed towards the ear. Similar operations and for the opposite corner of the lips.

Tighten the air to the nose, exhale through the mouth, while folding the lips with the tube. Such manipulation should be repeated ten times, no less. Squeeze your mouth as if you are angry or angry, just the jaws do not reduce. In the middle of the lips, place an index finger and drive them from top to bottom of about three tens of times.
Try to lose the loud pronunciation of the sound "O", round the lips. Now, ten times alternately strain and relax the muscles of the mouth.

Repeat times 20-30 Pressing lip to the teeth, intensely changing the voltage with relaxation. Prepare your lips as if you try to pronounce the sound "y". In this position 10 times strain your mouth and relax. At least two months of daily work - and your smile will look much younger.

If you are a little lazy to regularly strain in the active struggle with signs of aging, or there is an obstacle in the form of a time deficit or desire, you can resort to the method of easier and, in fact, the instant beauty is instantly, but not long. Correct the form of lowered lips, armed with decorative cosmetics.

Pick up the contour pencil with a tint close to the color of your lips or the tone is darker. Using a pencil circle the contour, without touching the area of \u200b\u200bthe corners. After that, apply a lipstick so that in the corners its color was completely unsaturated, and in the middle of the bottom lip is slightly paler.

There is another magic agent - a tone cream, which is wonderfully suitable for masking strongly lowered corners of the mouth. After its application, it is possible how to re-create the shape of the lips, hide explicitly pronounced flaws and make your smile radiant and sophisticated. And if in addition you want to achieve a juicy superobice - use shining lipstick or moisturizing shine. Just do not overdo it with dark and bright colors, then all efforts will be in vain.

In the extreme case, you can buy a special corrector or think about a more radical method - tattoo, which allows a brave way out of natural boundaries.

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