How to increase chest glands

How to increase chest glands

Any woman, regardless of social status, character, age and taste, pays a lot of attention to its appearance, especially figure. Each wants to look, as they say, on all one hundred. Elastic, beautiful and high breasts - the dream of any fair sex representative. After all, it is considered the most direct symbol of femininity. Despite the rapid denials of this fact, it is she who caresses the admiring views of men, and it can become an object of envy of other coquettes. Of course, each person has his own vision of the ideal of a female breast. Someone is unhappy with the shape of their informs, some want to reduce this outstanding part of their body, but most of the ladies would like to increase it.

It consists of a female breast of soft tissues and tissues of the breast. The second is responsible for the production of breast milk, but the first, together with the big thoracic muscle, which is the foundation of the bust, for size and shape. There are several ways to increase the chest glands. They are also distinguished by time spent on achieving the desired result, and radicality, and degree of efficiency. Of course, you will not be able to increase the chest at home for several sizes, but also without surgical intervention, you can raise it, improve the tone, making more elastic, change a little form, make a luff. If you are really seriously tuned to increase your chest glands, apply an integrated approach to solving this task. Before using certain preparations that contribute to the filling of the chest, as well as phytotherapy, if possible, consult an endocrinologist, as this may affect the condition of your hormonal background. By the way, small breasts may be a consequence of problems in the endocrine system.

Beautiful breasts

Take a tablespoon of hop (sold in pharmacies) and pour half liters boiling water, insist four hours, cool down and drink before eating at half pasta. Do it for two to three weeks, the chest will be significantly filled, because the infusion contains phytoestrogen - an analogue of female sex hormones. Cabbage use provokes, of course, breast growth, but only during puberty. The stimulating effect on the growth of the chest at this time is precisely fresh cabbage and natural juice from it. Adult ladies such a means for increasing the chest glands will not fit. It is quite effective for giving elasticity such a recipe: rub every day to the night into the area of \u200b\u200bthe neckline and the chest foam of the "live" beer, or replace it with a kvass on a hop-based basis. There are such procedures for at least a month. Do not forget about the daily contrasting soul, it will improve blood flow in the chest. After it, make a light massage of the chest glands, use apricot oil or peach. Also spend such a procedure: Moisten the chest area with cool water, apply the juice of one lemon with a circular movement, though drain with warm water.

Beer and hops

Diverse your diet, your body should receive not only proteins and carbohydrates, but also fats. Treat yourself to such a cocktail: Take the banana, cut it up and add 250 ml of milk, take everything with a blender, cool and drink. This drink is two weeks. Way to mineral water, it contributes to the normalization of metabolism and the development of female hormones. Exclude sharp, smoked and salty foods, vegetables and fruits Preference gave green and yellow, for example, citrus, peppers, carrots, salad, cucumbers. You can also use a variety of breasts and gels for the chest, Collistar Push-Up Bust Cream Volume Effect, Yves Rocher Body Corps, Lancome, Biotherm has proven not bad. Just remember that much breast glands are not able to increase, they will increase the elasticity, raise, improve blood circulation. Much better assistants in achieving the desired effect will be special exercise, so sign up for classes in the gym. Power load will help strengthen and increase the breast muscles.

Banana and milk1


If heredity and nature endowed you with that breast that you dream about, and simple tools are unable to correct this error, resort to the radical method itself - mammoplasty. You can seek help from the specialists not only with micro-masses (small breast size), but also because of the postlactual involution. First you will be examined, you will receive a consultation of anesthesiologist. Preparing for surgery, exclude fats from the diet, and in 12 hours, completely refuse food. For a half months before the designated mammoplasty, stop the use of drugs containing salicylates, refuse hormonal contraceptives. A week before the operation, throw smoking, do not drink alcohol. Follow all the recommendations of the doctor so that the healing of the seams did not take much time.


Sitting on a diet, do not forget that first of all you will lose weight to lose weight.

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