How to grow eyelashes at home

How to grow eyelashes at home

Careful eyelashes care prevents their loss and fragility, resulting in healthy and will grow faster. Also doing eyelashes care, you immediately take care of the skin around the eyes, which will further help you preserve her youth.

Proper nutrition

To begin with, review your diet, add more useful products to it, which are rich in vitamin A and E. These products include: oil, cheese, cottage cheese, liver, salmon, nuts, spinach, cereal and dried fruits.

Reception of additional vitamins

In addition to increasing the use of products rich in vitamin A and E, start taking vitamin complexes that can be bought in any pharmacy. Their reception will not only affect the growth of eyelashes, but also to the improvement of the body as a whole. The effect of reception you may notice after two months, it will grow not only eyelashes, but also hair, nails.

Do not use decorative cosmetics

During the treatment of exhaustion of eyelashes, so that they are some industries, you need to stop using ink. If you still have to apply it to the eyelashes, returning home, be sure to wash the cosmetics.

Oils for accelerating eyelashes

There are many natural oils that contribute to the active growth of eyelashes. Such oils are: castor, almond, peach, burdock and grape seed oil. Oils can be used both in its pure form and mixing them between themselves. It is well combined with vitamins in capsules, you can mix some kind of oil with vitamin A or E. Apply to the eyelashes you need a clean brush for eyelashes, which you can purchase, or just wash the old brush from under the carcass.

Bales of herbal

Well stimulate the growth of decoction eyelashes from various herbs. Most often used to activate the growth of chamomile, mother and mazehu, calendula. Preparations, apply it on the eyelashes and the skin around the eyes using a cotton disk. Also, such a procedure is well removing swelling and redness around the eyes.

Tea brew

If you do not have the opportunity to get the collection of herbs, you can use very strong welding instead. It is also necessary to apply a cotton disk.

Mask with scarlet

Mask with scarlet, castor oil and vitamin E perfectly accelerates eyelash growth, they become more well-groomed and thicker. It is necessary to apply it for 15 minutes, with the help of a cotton disk, and it is possible to wash the tea-welding in a conventional watering with water.

Cheesecake for growth

For the lazy, if possible, use the finished damp for the growth of eyelashes, which can be found in any cosmetic store or pharmacy. As manufacturers declare, it is possible to use such a damp as a base for applying a carcass, as the cheese is protecting eyelashes from exposure to external factors.

Careful appeal

In addition, what they need to carefully care for them, you should always remember that in no case should have rubbed your eyes. Also wrapped in a towel, the eye area is best not to rub, but only slightly get into it.

Using in their beauty arsenal, all eyelashes care points, in a few months you will see a stunning result. The eyelashes will not only grow faster, but will be stronger and well-groomed.

Comments leave a comment
Hope 18/11/2020 at 15:23

Relieve eyelashes? And how is it? If you want long and beautiful eyelashes, it is only to rinse it. Right?

To answer
Viola 19/11/2020 at 13:29

Hope, well, there may be some kind of oil for hair growth, but I do not use it. It is also more convenient for me to build eyelashes, quickly and beautiful! The main thing is to care for them, otherwise I have a case, the eyelashes during washing got into the eye and damaged the cornea of \u200b\u200bhis eyes, the Corneghel rate was to rolling. Helped the drug quickly, but it was still unpleasant.

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