How to grow fast nails

How to grow fast nails

Each woman dreams of beautiful, long, healthy nails. But most of them suffer from the lone of nails and a bundle, and it does not even give to the nails even a couple of millimeters. But the ways to quickly restore and grow nails, and we will tell about them in this article.

Proper nutrition to grow quickly nails

Proper nutrition is the key to women's beauty, and this applies not only to nails, but also hair with skin. If you often eat oily food, poor minerals and vitamins, it is not surprising that your nails are laying, breaking and not growing.

Often, the body lacks some vitamins or minerals, and to correct this situation, it is necessary to start eating certain products.

  • If the body lacks vitamin A, then it is necessary to increase the consumption of carrots, liver, butter (natural). Caffeine and alcohol "wash" this vitamin from the body, so try to reduce the amount of consumption of these drinks.
  • If the body is lack of vitamin C, then it will help to fill it with such products such as gooseberry, various berries and citrus.
  • If your body needs vitamin B, then eat more dairy products and greenery, and also buy beer yeast in a pharmacy.
  • The lack of vitamin E can be filled with products that are mentioned above, as well as meat and eggs.
  • But not only vitamins take an active part in the growth and strengthening of the nails. In this process, it is not without calcium, zinc and iron, which are contained in dairy products, bananas, apples and buckwheat.

By changing your diet, you will notice the result in a week, and in a month your nails will be completely healthy. But not only the proper nutrition can help speed up the growth of marigolds.

Convenient form will allow to grow quickly nails

Oddly enough, but the shape of the nails significant impact on growth, nail brittleness and delamination. If the nail shape has sharp ends and irregularities, the nails will break down often. Women often give the nails a square shape, which is so popular at the present time, but do not take into account the fact that the corners of the nail should be slightly rounded.

During otraschivaniya nails is best to give them an oval shape.

Baths for nails. to grow rapidly nails

Special bath for nails will help to strengthen the nails, most importantly, to do them regularly.

  • Bath of oil with iodine and glycerin. The oil is warmed on a steam bath (can take any) add a few drops of iodine and glycerol to lower the fingers for a few minutes and then wash with a solution of warm water and soap.
  • Bath with sea salt. In warm water, add 1-2 sea salt (in extreme cases suitable and conventional), stir and lower the fingers in the solution for 15 minutes. Repeat 2 times a week.
  • Bath with baking soda. The principle is the same as in the bath with salt, but after the procedure, be sure to grease the hands greasy cream.
  • Baths with lemon juice. Such baths strengthen the nail plate perfectly. In warm water, add a few drops of lemon juice and dip your hands in there. There is another option, cut a lemon in half and attach to the halves nails. Keep a few minutes.

Massage cuticle to grow rapidly nails

Massage improves blood flow to the nails that stimulates their growth. For massage, take any oil or fat cream, and massage cuticles fingers. It is advisable to carry out this procedure every day for best results.

Paraffin to grow rapidly nails

Paraffin often used in beauty salons to accelerate nail growth. The essence of the procedure is that the melted wax is applied to the cuticle around the nail. Exposure to heat wax very well improves blood circulation and nourishes the skin with the necessary elements.

It is advisable to leave the frozen wax on all night if this is not possible, it is enough for 2-3 hours to obtain a result.

Special means to quickly grow nails

A lot of companies produce special tools to enhance nail growth, and do not leave them unattended. But it is preferable to choose the means in the pharmacy than in conventional stores.

nail protection

One of the most important factors in the growth of nails is their protection. In order for the nails less than the environmental impacts, use gloves while cleaning the house, warm mittens or gloves in the colder time, use a varnish remover without acetone and necessarily apply moisturizing cream on your hands.

If we combine all the above recommendations together, then it is possible to grow nails very quickly.

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Rita 16/11/2018 at 15:42.

In recent years, two states of the nails were terrible. The stress of the nail plate was damaged ... I just wanted to restore them, even it is not necessary to repel them. Having gradually put them in order, I do a salt-made bath + triple orega-3 Evalarovskaya. Look much better))

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