How to speed up nail growth at home

How to speed up nail growth at home

Long nails with a stunning manicure - an integral part of a stylish image of a modern woman. However, hasty life rhythm, bad habits, health problems or banal lack of time for hand care, often prevents the nearest nail view. Therefore, we will tell how to speed up the growth of marigolds.

How to accelerate nail growth - Professional cosmetics

If you need to repel the nails for the shortest possible time, it is better to take advantage of special nail care products. They are not cheap, but in a week you will get an excellent result.

All cosmetics that affect the activity of growth of nail plates are divided into three categories:

  • Creams for hands and nails enriched with a vitamin complex. They carefully take care of the skin of the hands and stimulate the growth of the nails.
  • Smart enamels for weakened nails. They need to be applied to nail under varnish, while they will feed the nail plate, contribute to its accelerated growth, and protect it from aggressive exposure to varnish.
  • Therapeutic series of varnishes for nail growth. Such varnishes are also called "breathable". They contain calcium and different vitamins, which allows you to speed up and strengthen the marigold for a long time.

How to accelerate nail growth - nutritious masks

Despite the indisputable effectiveness of professional funds, they have decent competitors, namely home masks. There are a lot of recipes such masks, so we give only the most popular:

  • Lemon mask is the easiest option because nothing needs to be prepared. Cut the lemon in half, and immerse the nails into the citrus pulp for 5-7 minutes. After that, apply any nutritional cream. It is not easy will accelerate the growth of the nails, but also give them a beautiful color and a healthy shine.
  • Mask with essential oils - you need to lubricate the nail plates every day with a mixture of essential oils. For this purpose, peach, almond oil, as well as jojoba oil is suitable. If the nails still need to strengthen, you can add a liquid solution of vitamin E.
  • Bee wax mask - Melt the wax for a couple, lower your fingers into it so that the wax completely covered your nails. After 3 minutes, pull your hands, and when the wax hardens, dare the warm mittens and go to bed. In the morning, wash the wax with warm water.
  • People mask - red pepper strongly stimulates blood circulation and cell growth, so in our case it will also come in handy. Mix 10 g of children's cream, ½ tsp. Ground red pepper and a few drops of warm water. Mix the mask and spread it on your nails and the skin around them.

So that the masks gave the desired result, you need to make them daily for 5-10 minutes.

How to speed up nail growth - Mineral baths

Another effective anti-nail growth activator are bathtubs with fragrant herbs, sea salt and other useful components:

  • Yodno-glycerin bath - Heat almond oil on a water bath, add 5 drops of iodine and glycerin in it. Then in the warm bath, lower your hands for 10-20 minutes.
  • Bath on herbs - Mix part of the Hypericum, part of the root of the burdock, part of the chamomile. Fill the mixture with boiling water (approximately 1 cup on 2 tbsp. L. Raw) for half an hour. Add in Infusion 3 tbsp. l. White wine and lower your fingers.
  • Soda bath - dissolve 1 tbsp. l. Soda in 200 ml of warm water, plunge into a solution of your hand for 10 minutes. After the procedure, moisten your hands with cream, because the soda is strongly dried.
  • Salt bath is a simple and affordable way to grow long nails. For every 100 ml of water, you need to add 10 g of sea salt.

Take advantage of the proposed procedures, and you will no longer have a question how to accelerate the growth of the nails.

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