How to remove bags under the eyes

How to remove bags under the eyes

Bags under the eyes are the effects of fatigue, lack of sleep, nervous stress and crying, as well as manifestations of diseases of the internal organs. Each cause is eliminated, if you use efficient methods and avoid provocations. Several delural, but simple tips will help remove the detection and get rid of the problem at the root.

Stop drinking water overnight and do not abuse alcoholic beverages. These are the main stimulants of the edema in the field of the eyeball. Protective fat layers from excess liquid form swelling, which over time can erase into a constant phenomenon. First try to reduce / eliminate provoking factors. Follow the day of the day, give up bad habits, use useful food in the diet. Do not lean on acute and salty, reduce the concentration of your favorite spices to a minimum. A few hours before sleep is not recommended and drinking. From alcoholic beverages on the occasion of a feast, limit the small fraction of brandy or a glass of red wine.

Try to balance your psychological state - depression significantly affect not only the swelling, but also in the external form as a whole. Excellent cope with bags under the eyes of tea lety. Take the leaves of brewed tea, wrap in a gauze bag, cool and put on my eyes for a few minutes. As an alternative - used tea bags. Another excellent means: chopped parsley or celery with the addition of several spoons of cold milk. Take such a cleaner to gauze and attach for a few minutes to the problem area.

If you have a pumpkin, then take a small chilled piece, cut off the slice of a comfortable form, stick to the sofa for 15 minutes, let the pumpkin reduce the detection. Thanks to the wonderful properties and the presence of pumpkin anti-grade cells, it will contribute to the elasticity and lightness of the skin around the eyes. After brewing natural black or green tea, moisten cotton discs and wipe the area where bags are formed. Well removes swelling chilled chamomile decoction. It is enough to mock a cotton disk or a gauze gasket and several times with massage circular movements wipe the area around the eye.

Take a slide of raw chilled potatoes, take the position lying and put the circles on the eyes. Relax in this position of 20-30 minutes, it will not only remove the edema, but also reduce the contrast of dark circles under the eyes. With regular use, dark circles will disappear at all. The most popular way is the cucumber masks. This vegetable not only removes bags, but also brings the skin, rejuvenates and tightens the epidermis. Use the cucumber is followed by the season, the product oversaturated with nitrates will not benefit.

If the problem is regular, and in the morning the express method of removing edema is needed, then brew a chamomile branch or prepare chief from chopped green with milk. Freeze the emulsion or liquid in ice cubes and take a few pieces in the morning, apply to the eyes. Ten minutes will be enough. If you comply with the regime and avoid pronounced perparty-salt dishes, do not abuse alcohol, then the problem will disappear in the near future.

To eliminate bags under the eyes, use chilled vegetable compositions, go to bed on time. Summies from tea and ice cubes will cope with swelling in minutes.

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Irina 16/04/2019 at 1:27

ice cubes can quickly remove the bags, and I tried the cream Aevit with a blueberry, he removes the swelling and, besides, the dark circles have become so pronounced after it.

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Viola 10/06/2020 at 12:04.

I can recommend the serum a good (new) -lora with the stem cells of the edelweiss. It returns the skin tone, stimulates the ethtex synthesis of collagen ... and the wrinkles disappear, and there are no bags under the eyes. I really liked ... do not forget about drinking regime, of course, this is also a great influence on the skin condition.

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