How to remove eye swelling

How to remove eye swelling

The reasons contributing to the appearance of eye edema, a lot. These include heart and kidney disease, disruption of the work of the endocrine system, chronic lack of sleep and fatigue, the use of liquid and food before bed (especially alcohol), and even smoking. Also, the swelling may occur during a cold or conjotevite. Pretty persistent swelling arising due to hereditary factors. But most of them can be perfectly cope with independently with the help of folk and remedies.

The best friend of edema - salt. No wonder it is called white death. It contributes to the fluid delay in the body, which leads to this problem. It is necessary to limit its consumption, reduce to the most possible minimum. It is in huge quantities in loved by many chips, smoked, sausages, some types of cheeses, pizza and holbo-bakery products. It is desirable to reduce the amount of these products in its diet. But helps to bring an excess liquid from the body apples, citrus, parsley, carrots and watermelons.

If the edema began to appear more often, especially in the heat, you can use the influence of different herbs as a diuretic. Recipes are Such: in equal proportions to mix (pre-grinding) leaves of nettle, hunter, plantain, tolnikany and rosehip fruits. Pour this mixture of half liters of boiling water, let it stand for a couple of hours and strain. To drink infusion per day in three receptions. You can also grind the root and greens of parsley, pour two hot water with hot water, leave to the night. Add juice of one middle lemon. Drink twice a day for one third of a glass of two days. Then take a break for three days and again two days to drink this infusion. Or a handful of Rosehip to cook ten minutes, the cooled decoction drink three times a day on the glass.

Good and various eyes for the eyes. For example, you need to brew a glass of boiling water twenty grams of chamomile flowers and let it be broken for half an hour. In the resulting warm infusion, mix your cotton discs and attach to problem areas. As the procedure is absorbed, repeat several times. Instead of chamomile, other weeds are suitable, such as cashanka, mint, lime color, sage. The decoction of the horsetail of the field is also effective. It also applies, only you need to fifteen minutes to cook it on low heat. No less useful and different masochka. For example, from sour cream with chopped parsley. Proportions 2: 1. Apply for thirty minutes, then rinse everything with warm water.

And completely simple ways. Raw black tea bags, cool and attach to the eyes. For the same cramps of raw potatoes, which can be lost and then wrap in gauze. Solly fresh cucumber should also be used against edema, it is desirable to cool it. Milk is also recommended for a skip. Cotton disks in it foolish And applied to centuries for ten minutes. Better if it is from the refrigerator.

There are many ways to combat edema, but if they do not help, you need to contact a specialist. This may be a signal about hidden pathology.

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Jamil 08/28/2018 at 23:51

I have some strange eye ((like swelling, but still as if a tubercle inside and red. Can barley?


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