Gel eyeliner how to use

Gel eyeliner how to use

Thanks to the gel eyeliner, you can easily draw perfectly smooth arrows in your eyes. It dries almost instantly and does not smear during the day. In addition, such a lining contains a lot of pigment and allows you to make a bright accent on the eyes. It was because of this that she became extremely popular among makeup artists and beauty bloggers. Let's learn how to make eye makeup correctly using this miracle eyeliner.

Choose gel eyeliner

Now such a loving is offered by very many firms. Go to the question of her choice responsibly, do not chase for the cheapness. Often, behind a low price hid a fake or poor-quality product. At best, your eyeliner will be bad, stick to little, and at worst - you will receive an allergic reaction and irritation.

Features of choosing gel eyeliner:

  • Mac eyeliner boasts a large number of positive feedback, it holds for a long time and is represented in many colors to create the brightest images.
  • A more budget option is the gel liner from Maybelline. It is also persistent, but it is much cheaper than MAC.
  • If you need your arrows on your eyes afraid of water, get the waterproof gel eyeliner from Make Up for Ever.

We select a suitable brush

Do not forget to purchase a tissue for applying a liner. It is better to take synthetic - it is more elastic than genuine. In addition, such a brush does not absorb the eyeliner, and it will be easy to clean. Choose a brush with a pile of medium length, it will make the applying process more convenient. If its pile is very long, it will define the eyeliner accurately. And the bruster with a short pile will not allow you to create a flat line. Power brushes are dome-shaped, beveled, as well as a direct pile. Select it on the basis of your arrows and personal preferences.

Draw an arrow using gel eyeliner

First prepare a brush. It must be slightly moistened with water so that more neat strokes are obtained. Now we start drawing the arrow:

  • Finish completely all bristles of tassels in the eyeliner.
  • Beat the tip of the tassel. To do this, look at the bottom line of your eyelashes and determine what the tip of the tip should be that the eyeliner lay down exactly.
  • Curved tip of tassels apply a liner on the top line of the eyelashes. Sing one line, starting from the outer edge of the eye, and the second - start applying from its inner edge.
  • Combine these lines by drawing another in the middle of the eye.
  • If the arrow came out not as you wanted, plunge the brush in the eyelid and eliminate the flaws.

Useful advice

When using gel eyeliner, follow these rules:

  • Screw the liner with light "scrolling" movements. In this case, the necessary amount of eyeliner will fall on the tassel.
  • To remove an excess eyeliner from the tassels, scroll it on the side of the tank for the liner.
  • If you want to grow the eyeliner, proceed to it immediately after applying, not allowing it to fix it in the century.
  • Make sure that the tissue after the previous application does not have traces of dried eyeliner. If you can not carefully clean the brush after each use, then at least rinse it with water and shine a napkin napkin. Only clean tassel will allow you to apply a flat and beautiful line.

We hope that your acquaintance with this cosmetic means will be easier thanks to our advice and recommendations. Take advantage of the gel liner and appreciate its advantages. She will help you get a resistant neat eye makeup, attaching a minimum effort.

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