Gel eye mask how to use

Gel eye mask how to use

The gel mask for the eyes is not similar to the cosmetic creamy compositions that girls are applied to the skin of the face. It is a compress reusable, capable of cooling or warm the area around the eyes. Inside the mask is a gel that can maintain a predetermined temperature for a long time.

Composition mask composition

The compress mask consists of a silicone shell and gel filler in a liquid form or in the form of balls. The filler includes:

  • Vegetable hoods. Help reduce the circles and edema under the eyes.
  • Retinol. Stimulates the production of collagen fibers.
  • Hydroxyethylcellulose. Applies the gel viscosity, helps to maintain the temperature.

Mask components are under the shell and do not fall directly to the face, so its positive effect on the skin is achieved due to the temperature and compression effect.

Principle of operation gel mask and effect

The features of the eye mask define its shape, size and temperature.

Forms and sizes of gel masses

Choosing a mask for the eyes, make sure that it fits you in size and repeats the contours of the face. Types of masks:

  • covering everything face;
  • eye mask-glasses;
  • pads on the eyes.

Eye mask effect

Using a cool gel mask for a long time, you will experience:

  • feeling of cheerfulness, refreshment;
  • effect of headache;
  • reducing eye fatigue with long-term work at a computer;
  • toning of the skin around the eyes.

Hot eye mask:

  • relaxes;
  • warming up;
  • helps in the fight against a cold;
  • removes muscle spasms.

The gel mask does not secrete vitamins and other beneficial substances - it is effective due to the uniform temperature distribution and pressure on the muscles. Do not try to squeeze the gel and apply it to the skin - in itself it is not useful for the face.

In what cases to impose a gel mask

Eye mask will come in handy if you:

  • we work at a computer for a long time;
  • feel lack of light and fresh air;
  • suffer from insomnia;
  • live in the city with a bad environment;
  • want to get rid of edema and bags under the eyes;
  • we are experiencing regular loads, working on non-ruled graphics.

How to use eye mask

Before using the mask, remove the makeup, make your face with cool water and wipe with tonic. Overlay the compress once every three days or more often, if necessary.

Cool mask

So that the gel mask becomes cool and invigorating, put it in the fridge for 2-3 hours or in the freezer for 10 minutes. Then remove and attach to the eyes for 10-30 minutes. If the mask on the face heats up before the time before, discontinue the procedure.

Warm mask

To heat the gel compress, lower the container with warm but not hot water. When it becomes warm, attach to the eyes before cooling. For effective impact under the mask, apply the gel for the eyes or build a sponge with tonic. When heated pores expand, which allows cosmetics to penetrate deeply inside.

Contraindications and shelf life

Mask for the eyes, filled with gel, you can use several times, but not infinite. The packaging indicates the expiration date of the compress. If you drove the packaging without turning attention to it, after several procedures, check the condition of the gel. If he has lost transparency and has become less flexible, the mask is time to change. Contraindications for the use of gel compresses:

  • recent experience in front of the eyes;
  • retinal detachment;
  • high intraocular pressure;
  • inflammation in the area around the eyes.

You can store the gel mask in the refrigerator or in the warm room - where children or pets will not get it.

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