Antimony for eyes how to apply

Antimony for eyes how to apply

Antimony is one of the most ancient cosmetics, which has not yet lost the relevance. She perfectly emphasizes the eye line and is a fully organic agent, unlike its costly competitors.

What is antimony

It is believed that for another 3 thousand years ago, the antimony used women and men of Egypt to tinted the eyelids, eyelashes and eyebrows. A little later, this tradition was adopted by the ancient Greeks. The remedy can be known as "Kokhl" or "Kajal" called "Kochl" or "Kajal". For greater softness and advantage, the mineral is ticking into powder, diluted with natural oils. This approach allows the use of Kochl and as shadows, and as a liner. It is believed that real and natural antimony from the Arabian Peninsula has a healing, refreshing and prophylactic effect on the eyes and skin around them.

Is it safe to health

Responsibility for the quality of the finished product completely lies on the manufacturer. Natural antimony is entirely safe, also well-established such copies like Kochl from Yves Rocher, gel eyeliner with antimony from Maybelline, powder kagel from Guerlain, anthropix pencils "Elkoazon". It is certainly possible to refuse cosmetics with lead content (carefully read information on the package), as well as navigate the reviews of the already using one or another brand. Antimony can cause allergies or individual intolerance. In the case of burning or other unpleasant sensations (with the exception of the chill), it is worth looking for a Kochl of another manufacturer. Powder facilities are the most persistent, with the greatest shelf life, can be applied directly to the mucous membrane. Pencils and pastes deteriorate faster due to turning oil in the composition. Among the additional advantages of antimony:

  • strengthening eyebrows and eyelashes;
  • very economical flow;
  • makeup reliably keeps all day and does not "hang out" under the eyes;
  • easily removed with cosmetic milk.

How to put the eyes of antimony

Can be applied to Kochl as ordinary shadow applicator. But for smooth, beautiful and durable eyeliner, special wooden sticks will be needed. Before use, they are soaked in oil, for example, camphoring so that the tool holds hard and smoothly sat down on the skin. Of course, many categories are produced in special tubes, bottles or pencils that do not require special training. However, antimony sticks can be bought in any specialized store separately either make independently from ordinary toothpicks. If the eyeliner spreads, it is better to drink the eyes before using it. Fast antimony should not be applied to the mucous eye, so the eyeliner gently places under the eyelashes. Kokhley are completely different colors, thanks to which it is easy to choose your favorite tone for any clothes.

Antimo and Kokhley are not recommended to use when wearing contact lenses. Therapeutic antimony is applied to the night with a closed eye on the lower eyelid. The result will appear after a day - the proteins will become cleaner, will leave yellow and small red vessels.

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