Face paraffin how to use

Face paraffin how to use

To get rid of small or deep wrinkles, sluggish skin, clean the scored pores, make a correction of a double chin, it is recommended to use paraffin masks. They can be done both in the salons and at home. But it is not possible to use paraffin with candles for this procedure, because there are many impurities that can harm skin. Take advantage of cosmetic paraffin designed specifically for delicate skin face.

Paraffin properties

The effect of paraffin mask is based on three favorable effects on the skin. This includes a softening, thermal and compressive effect on fabric fabrics. Thanks to these properties, the skin receives a sufficient amount of moisture, becomes elasticity. The blood circulation is restored in it, the lymphodenge is enhanced, the seals are resolved, swelling disappears, etc. Cosmetologists recommend paraffin masks in winter when skin covers suffer from cutting.

Cooking masks

Create cosmetic paraffin in a specialized store or pharmacy. Take 50-60 grams of this product and place in clean dry dishes. Put the saucepan with water on the fire, place the paraffin in the ass. And let the water bath gradually melting. In paraffin, you can add different components:

  • 4-6 drops of pharmacy propolis - to get rid of inflammation;
  • aloe juice (large spoon) - for softening action;
  • vitamins A, E (3-5 drops) - for the rejuvenating effect;
  • linseed teaspoon - for even more moisturizing fading skin.

The mask is ready for applying when the paraffin melts and its temperature will not exceed 55ºС.

How to apply paraffin

Before making a mask, it will take to clean the skin of the face with gel or cosmetic milk. Then with a cotton swab, moistened in alcohol, wipe the face if the skin is dry - smear with a bold cream. The paraffin itself will be uncomfortable. Therefore, it is necessary that the procedure does another person. Eyes need to cover with cotton swabs, take a wide silent and a thin layer to smear not hot paraffin on massage lines of the face, chin and forehead. Then, on the first layer, put a gauze mask with cutouts for eyes and mouth. Continue the tassel to apply paraffin already on the garlash. Act carefully so that there are no burns. The layers require several so that the thickness is about three millimeters. After that, cover your face with a towel to keep warm. Expect the end of the procedure will be 20 minutes, or even 30. At the end, the frozen paraffin remove from the face. You need to begin to flex a mask from the chin, and then neatly and from all over the face. In the end, wipe the skin with lotion and exhaust the nutrient cream.


Like many cosmetic masks, paraffin has some restrictions in the application. Therefore, in any professional beauty salon, before applying it, the specialist is interested in whether you have any contraindications from those listed below:

  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy;
  • heart disease and pathology of vascular disorders;
  • increased pressure (hypertension);
  • blood viscosity disorders;
  • the presence of moles or warts on the face;
  • there are guns and vascular stars on skin tissues;
  • with hyperitrichosis.

If you become used periodically paraffin masks, then your skin will delight you with healthy shine and freshness.

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