Paraffin Foot Baths: Recipe

Paraffin Foot Baths: Recipe

The weakest place in terms of dryness, rudeness and other skin problems are legs of the legs - there are most often corns and injects appear and cracks on the heels occur. To prevent these troubles, you need to constantly care for your legs: baths, pedicure, massage. Most of all this is relevant in the summer, when the legs are exposed to the sun, dust, wind. But if it happened that you did not give due attention to your feet, and they look bad, then paraffin baths will help you.

What is useful paraffin baths

If you use paraffin correctly, it will help to eliminate the following feet problems:

  • excessive dryness;
  • cracks;
  • peeling;
  • natoptyshi.

Paraffin, especially if it is with therapeutic additives, moisturizes the skin, increases its tone, will strengthen the nails, the joints are cavalous.

Where to buy paraffin for baths

Paraffin is widely used in cosmetology, so there will be no problems with its acquisition. It is sold in ordinary pharmacies. It can also be purchased in specialized stores selling health goods. When buying, pay attention to the melting point - only one paraffin is suitable for the bath, which melts at a temperature of +46 to +53 degrees. The tool with a higher melting point can lead to burns on the skin. Cosmetic paraffins are clean, and there are both a variety of additives: vitamins, aromatic oils, hoods of beneficial plants. You can use any for feet, but if you do not have allergies to any component. For those who suffer from allergies, it is better to use ordinary medical paraffin or paraffin with green tea. Buy paraffin in packaging 450 g - by volume it is just enough for the foot bath. Paraffin for the baths can be melt in a water bath in a pelvis or purchase a special warming bath. There are such baths on electricity, and sold in the same stores of healthy goods.

How to make paraffin feet baths

The procedure of the bath is divided into two components: foot preparation and paraffin preparation:

  1. Put into a wide flat pelvis 450 g of paraffin and put it on a saucepan with boiling water.
  2. While the paraffin is in a water bath and gradually melts, wash your legs with soap and brush and dry them well with a terry towel.
  3. Make a paraffin sample for temperature comfort. To do this, scoop the coffee spoon a little melted paraffin and apply it on the wrist. If you are not experiencing strong burning, you can proceed to the procedure.
  4. Put the paraffin pelvis on the floor and lower the legs into it for a couple of seconds. Legs to lower the depth so that Paraffin reached the outer large bone in the heel area.
  5. Raise your legs and give the paraffin to frozen - it will take it just a few seconds.
  6. Once again, lower the legs in the pelvis, and then raise them immediately.
  7. Make such goals 5 or 6. As a result, your legs will cover the thick crust of the paraffin.
  8. Wrap the legs with polyethylene packages or wrap them with a food film. Top of the film Take the feet with a warm woolen handkerchief or scarf.
  9. Lie on the sofa or bed and take a break for 20-30 minutes.
  10. Remove the scarf and polyethylene and carefully remove the frozen paraffin.
  11. Paraffin roll into the ball and put into the sealed container until the next paraffin bath.

After a paraffin bath, smear the legs with a nutrient cream and wear cotton socks.

How often do paraffin feet baths

Paraffin baths are recommended once a week for 7-10 weeks. Repeated course of paraffinotherapy can be passed through half a year. The baths are made from the same paraffin. The package necessarily has an indication of how many times one or another it can be used. It is not recommended to use one paraffin packaging for a variety of baths (for hands, legs, treatment of joints, etc.). For each view, it is worth purchasing your packaging and use it only.

Like any means to maintain health and beauty, paraffin feet baths have their own contraindications. They cannot be made to people with heart disease and suffering from hypertension. Serious contraindications are varicose veins, diabetes and infectious skin diseases.

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