Foot baths with soda

Foot baths with soda

The usual soda, which is in the kitchen for each mistress, can be useful for the treatment or maintenance of the beauty of the legs. You can make useful feet baths and depending on the desired effect to use different recipes.

Baths from fungus

The fungus can be infected in the public soul, if you forget to wear individual rubber slippers. In highly launched cases, it will have to treat it using special pharmaceutical ointments. And if the symptoms of fungus are pronounced pretty weak, then it can be born from it with such baths. Take the soda (3 tbsp. L.) And mix it with any liquid antibacterial soap (3 art. L.). The resulting mixture is in hot water - take it 6-7 liters. The temperature of the bath must be in the range from +38 to + 40 ° C. Take these baths every day and, after them, remove the softened skin with pumice and cut the nails with manicure scissors. After the foot of the legs, blot with a soft towel and treat the antibacterial talc for the legs.

Vanches from calluses and natopesh

Dry corn and rude natoptyshs are usually concerned with those women who neglect the pedicure. To get rid of them, you need to do soda baths every night before bedtime. In three liters of hot water, dissolve 1 tbsp. l. Soda and lower the feet in the pelvis. Keep them in water for at least 20 minutes. If water is quickly cooling, then add another 0.5 liter hot. During the adoption of the bath, remove the natoptes and corns using a metal brush for treating heels or natural pumice. At the end of the leg, wipe the dry soft towel and apply moisturizing legs.

Baths from cracks on heels

Cracked on the heels can even have a young girl if she has very dry skin. To heal the wounders and make heels gentle, the soda is useful again, but added to the decoction of therapeutic grass. It is best for these purposes a calendula. Brew in thermos 3 tbsp. l. Dry flowers and 1 liter of the leaky ragger mix with 3 l warm water. Practice into liquid 1 tbsp. l. Soda and mix - the bath is ready. Its duration is 10-15 minutes, and the course is 10 days. Immediately after the bath, dry your legs and squeeze the problem spaces with a calendula or sea buckthorn oil. Dress cotton socks and sleep in them all night.

Mitigating baths

Coarse skin on the feet can be made gentle and soft, if for 10-14 days take baths with soda and beloved essential oil. Water take the temperature + 35-36 ° C, and soda raw 1 tbsp. l. on 4-5 liters. Essential oil add 5-6 drops to the bath. Do not forget after the procedure to treat the feet with cream or natural olive oil.
And also soften the feet and heels will help the baths with soda and ammonia alcohol. They need such a quantity: soda - 2 tbsp. l., Fixer - 3 tbsp. l., water is 2 liters.

Baths from fatigue

All the well-known expression "barely wool out" can become a reality, if a whole day be on the legs of high heels or in uncomfortable shoes. If you barely got to the house, and you have no strength to do homework, you will be helped by baths with soda and salt. Take 1 tbsp. l. soda and 1 tbsp. l. Cookstone salt. Dissolve them in 5 l warm water and hold the tired feet in the bath of 10-15 minutes. Then make the legs with a towel and lie on the bed in such a way that the legs are above head. To do this, conceal the pillow under them, and from under the head, on the contrary, remove it. Pass so 10 minutes - and your legs are again ready for new feats.

The feet of a woman should be well-groomed even in winter, when they do not see them. And if in the summer we pay them high attention and "wander" them in expensive salons, then in winter to indulge their domestic baths. Especially since you already know what to do with them, so that the legs were healthy and beautiful.

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