How to soften the heels

How to soften the heels

How I want the skin of our stop always remains soft and gentle! But, alas, the reality is such that uncomfortable shoes, heavy work and permanent loads tormented to coat the heels with Mozoles and cracks. Fortunately, you can cope with this hop independently: for this, give your legs half an hour of your time and carefully read our advice.

Making herbal baths

Sometimes it happens that because of our inattention, the skin on the heels is not just becoming coarse, like a Kizzy boot, but also covered by cracks, which cause pain and discomfort when walking. In this case, it is worth paying attention to herbal baths that not only soften the skin, but also heal the wounds. For the bath, we will need any of these ingredients: oak bark, chamomile flowers, lavender, dried hunter and a series. We put our phytosbor in a basin, fill in the measure of hot water and put your feet there for 15 minutes. Then we wip the feet dry and rub the fat cream. Such a bath must be done every night before bedtime.

We use soda and soap

If there are no cracks on the skin, but the heels still seem to be flabbing and unpleasant to the touch, the bathtub will help us. For the bath you will need soda and soap in proportion 2: 1. We mix hot water, soda and soap chips in the basin and put the legs there for 15-20 minutes. Then we take pima and process heels. It is better not to use metal graters: even though they are more effectively scolding dead cells of the epithelium, there is a big risk to damage the steamed skin, which after the bath becomes more vulnerable. After the procedure, we apply nutrient cream on your feet, we put on cotton socks and go to sleep. And in the morning we admire soft and beautiful heels.

We make a scrub for heels

Like any other part of the body, ladies' heels require constant care. One of the mandatory procedures in the arsenal of each lady should be scrubs for heels. You can use the store product, but it is much more useful to prepare a mixture yourself. We take 1 tablespoon of coffee, sugar and cinnamon, add 2 tablespoons of olive oil and season our drug chopped nuts and ginger. Mix everything. And now we take PEMMU and apply a mixture on it. For a few minutes, we process the heels of pumice, wash off the scrub and rejoice in the result.

Massage for stop

Another effective way to make the skin on the heels is soft and beautiful - regular foot massage. After they did a scrub or bath, we take fat cream. By the way, the cream can be replaced with a mixture of oils: we select the base oil - the base (for example, olive) and add a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil there. So, we apply the selected facility to the feet and make a massage: first knead the leg from the heels to the fingers, and then rub it in the opposite direction. This simple massage improves blood circulation, and therefore the skin looks more gently and well.

Such simple techniques will help your heels always be delicate and charming. The main thing, do not forget that any care must be regular: then it will be possible to achieve maximum effect.

Comments leave a comment
Olga 10/23/2019 at 2:52.

i always soften the heels with baths with salt, and then after them necessarily a burenka nutritious cream, it absorbs well and makes the skin with a munch

Kseniya 25/08/2021 at 23:14

And I like to soften the stakes on the heels with the help of Mazi Uzerm. First, after it, everything is well believed even by the usual pimples. And secondly, this ointment is also moisturizes cool, so the skin in the footsteps becomes very soft.


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