How to sip the heels

How to sip the heels

The skin on the heels has a rough property. This brings some inconvenience, and the crust looks like aesthetic on the foot. It is not necessary to care for heels. It is only good to unspoke the skin and remove the natopstysh. Below we will look at how to disappear heels with warm baths.

Useful advice

How much the skin of the heels either flared, you should not cut it with a knife. Instead of injuring the skin of the stop, it is better to break it up. We remove the coarse skin with the help of special devices. These may be pemps or pails for stop. After cleansing the heels, use the moisturizing cream for the legs. Try to apply it in the morning and in the evening, so that the heels remain the longer soft. At the end of all the procedures, wear socks on the feet.

We move the heels

Hot baths for legs are best coped with hardened leather stop. You can pour in a basin not very hot water and disappear in her heels. But the best action has baths with herbs or milk:

  • Bath with milk. Pour hot water to the basin. We add to it 0.5 liters of milk and 30 g of soap chips. Soap chips are preparing from any baby soap. Keep your feet in the water until it cools.
  • Bath with peroxide. We smear a large salt in the basin and pour hot water. Keep your feet in the water of 5 minutes. Then add 2 hydrogen peroxide tablets or 2 tbsp. l. Pharmacy solution. Put the foot into the solution for another 5 minutes.
  • Salt bath. We pour hot water in the pelvis and smell 100 g of sea salt into it and 100 g of soapy chips. Mount the heels in a solution of 10-15 minutes.
  • Bath on herbs. We are preparing a concentrated decoction of lime color, chamomile or any other grass. Add decoction from herbs in hot water pelvis. Pour 100 g of soap chips. Put the legs in the pelvis and keep to the cooling of water.

Cleansing of steaming heels

After the foot well to steam, it is necessary to remove the rough skin layer with heels. Apply the scrub massage movements. It can be done at home of coarse salt and oil. Then grind the heel with pumice. Strongly do not rub, to avoid damaging the skin.

Getting rid of cracks

Footsteps needs extra care when on the heels began to form cracks:

  • To prevent deep cracks after bath use emollient poultice. It can be prepared from egg yolk, honey or ghee. Mix the ingredients in equal proportions. Apply the mixture on the heels of the foot and cover with plastic film. We fix a compress bandage. We leave it for the night, in the morning rinse legs with water. Repeat this procedure every day, until the skin is restored. After removing the compress put on the foot cream.
  • Sore heels with deep cracks needs soft and gentle care. To restore to steam and very rough skin in hot water, add a few drops of tea tree oil. You can also add a decoction of camomile. After the foot bath dry skin and apply a soothing poultice of aloe. We put the pulp of aloe to cracks and tape up. We leave compress at night. After the daily repetition of procedures drag on crack, and skin becomes softer.

In order to prevent cracks make the foot bath once a week. Add the water a variety of essential oils and herbs. Make heels stripping procedure is not only useful but also enjoyable.

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