Treatment of heels glycerin

Treatment of heels glycerin

Having drilled skin, cracks on the heels - the phenomenon is often, and so I want them to become smooth, beautiful, because this is the first sign of woman's well-maintained. The causes of trouble can be both insufficient care and skin diseases, diabetes mellitus, fungal infections. As for the first case, there is a means of it, and in the presence of diseases it is necessary to help a professional. Tell how to treat the heels of glycerin.

The advantages of glycerin in front of other means

Despite the fact that there are many all sorts of creams and ointments for treating heels, the most effective remains glycerin, as it:

  • removes dead cells;
  • softens the skin;
  • moisturizes;
  • heals scratches, cracks, microtraums;
  • it is cheaper than special balms and creams.

Precautions when using glycerin

Glycerin is a means affordable, inexpensive, and although it is harmless, some precautions are needed, still in its composition there is a truncate alcohol. This drug has a property deeply absorbed into the skin and react with water molecules. If you apply it a lot and too often, there may be dehydration, the heels will become still land, and the cracks will not disappear, but will become more noticeable.

Recipes in the treatment of heels glycerol

In the treatment of heels, they are used both glycerin in pure form and in combination with other components.

Glycerin and acetic essence

If a painful crack appeared on the heel, swipe the following procedure:

  1. Buy a bottle of glycerin at the pharmacy. Usually it is filled not to the top. Pour the acetic essence into it so that the container becomes complete.
  2. Give the mixture to stand the day.
  3. Rub the composition, making massage movements, in the skin of the heels for 3-4 days in the morning and in the evening. Moreover, the tool can be left overnight, the effect of it will only increase.

Bath with the addition of glycerin

If there are problems with heels, as well as for the prevention of their appearance it is useful to arrange the foot baths:

  • fill the container with warm water;
  • add a teaspoon of glycerol;
  • keep a quarter of a quarter of an hour so that the heels sprinkled well;
  • we wipe the heels with pima before the appearance of pink skin when there are no cracks, and if there is, we do it after their healing;
  • rinse legs in clean water, wipe;
  • lubricate the heels of glycerin, cracking the plaster and, putting socks, withstand the mask about 8 hours;
  • we wash off everything with warm water and wipe dry.

Compress from glycerin with vinegar

To put the heel, it will take from 3 to 4 procedures repeated in a day. The tool is very effective and helps even with the struck forms of diseases of heels. Prepare a mixture for compress:

  • we take glycerin - 3 tablespoons, vinegar - 1 teaspoon;
  • mix;
  • lubricate your heels;
  • waving the feet of the food film;
  • wear socks;
  • leave compress for the night.

Glycerin and ammonia alcohol

Effective glycerin and combined with ammonia alcohol. You should only mix them in equal proportions, then unpack your feet and apply the tool.

Glycerin and apples

In the fight against cracks on heels as an enhancement effect of additives use apples:

  • we take a pair of apples and rub on the grater;
  • pour kashitz milk;
  • bring a mixture to boil;
  • retain for cooling;
  • we apply for 1 hour on the heels;
  • wash and wipe;
  • we rub in the heels of glycerin;
  • we put on packages or booties.

Glycerin against deep cracks on the heels

When the disease came to how far that the cracks became deep and painful, will help the cycle of treatment with glycerin with the addition of oils. It will soften and healing the skin of heels, kill the microbes. We carry out the procedure for the night:

  • we prepare the mixture for which in castor, almond or peach oil add 10 drops of glycerol;
  • we wear polyethylene packages on the feet, and on top of socks;
  • we remove everything after the incident 3 hours;
  • my legs and lubricate with cream or vaseline;
  • again wear socks and go to bed.

Never leave to disregard such symptoms like dry skin on the heels and the appearance of small cracks. They are a warning that they will soon begin more serious problems bringing great discomfort. It is easier to prevent illness than to treat it.

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