Natoptysh national treatment

Natoptysh national treatment

Our legs need the same daily care as a face and body. But not always thorough care can prevent the appearance of coarse areas on the foot. Sealing painful formations of yellow color are natopeshi. They bring discomfort when walking and have a rather unaesthetic appearance. Appear on the sole in places of maximum load and friction, pain and burning disease. Get rid of unpleasant sensations, to provide your feet beauty and health with the help of professional cosmetologists. If the case is not neglected, the recipes of traditional medicine will come to the aid.

Causes of the appearance of Natopysh

Most often, the natoptems are formed on the pads of the fingers, heels, on the sides of the fingers, and the reason can serve:

  • uncomfortable and close shoes, which squeezes the sole of the leg and impairs blood circulation;
  • footwear and socks from artificial materials that create a greenhouse effect and not allowing the skin to breathe;
  • high heels, shifting the load on the foot;
  • foot injuries, changing gait;
  • walking barefoot causing skin heat;
  • high weight that creates a large load on his feet;
  • genetic and other diseases affecting the change in hormonal balance.

Legs 1.

Baths for beauty legs

Recipes of traditional medicine successfully help fight the rough skin on the feet. Paths for legs can be used to pre-break the legs in front of therapeutic procedures and as an independent way of recovery. They relieve fatigue to the legs, improve circulation, fight with sweat, soften the skin.


  1. Whey-heat, dilute with water and keep it in feet to half an hour. After wipe corns on the feet and place apply the mixture of castor oil and glycerol.
  2. Ammonia, soda and 20 g soap were mixed and poured with warm water. A tray to hold 40 minutes. Softened the place clean and apply a cream.
  3. In the salt bath at the rate of 20 g salt per liter of water feet keep 25 minutes. Brush to remove corns feet.
  4. Potato cleaning - 100 g, flax seed - 40 g and a glass of water 30 minutes simmer over a low heat. The cooled broth, dilute with water and keep it in the feet for 30 minutes.

Foot baths 2

Essential oils to treat corns

Essential oils are added to the bath for the feet and cause dilution or with cream on problem areas. This will be useful:

  • rosewood softens rough skin;
  • peach kernel oil heals the cracks and sores;
  • jojoba nourishes the skin of the feet;
  • almonds moisturizes.

Oils used in combination, have a positive effect.

oil Legs 3

Compresses on his feet

Consider wraps recipes for feet:

  1. Ordinary raw potatoes perfectly softens rough patches, and helps to combat corns. To do this, rub the potatoes on a grater and received gruel put on film. Package with starch attach to the legs and top wear socks. Keep at least an hour. After a rinse with warm soapy water and apply a moisturizer.
  2. Help and a slice of lemon. For problem areas at night apply a slice of citrus and pribintuyte. In the morning take off compress and clean up.
  3. Recipe, proven over the years, consists of breadcrumbs and vinegar. This was made mushy and applied to the corns on the night. Top wrapped with film and fabric. Compress for best results do a few days in a row.
  4. The famous onion poultice is very effective, but many are deterred by the smell. If you decide to experiment, onions cut into rings and circles attach to the sore spot, attach the plaster and put socks on top. Compress hold all night, and then remove the onion, and remove the seal with a pumice stone.

Effective methods to get rid of this disease at home a lot, choose the most suitable for you and do not forget to pay attention to the feet of at least 2 times a week for 20 minutes.

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