How to do paraffin therapy

How to do paraffin therapy

Paraffin therapynice and useful for skin procedure. But in specialized salons costs such pleasure not cheap. On the myself business treat skin at all not difficult in home conditions, at this skilling to minimum material expenses. How this is dowe let's tell below.

The paraffin therapy procedure is nothing more than a warm mask of melted cosmetic paraffin, often enriched with vitamin-mineral complexes. They apply a cosmetic product to the arms, feet, face, hips and stomach in the form of masks, applications and baths. Due to the fact that paraffin freezes, a greenhouse effect is formed. At first, the skin pores under the influence of heat open, cleansed of pollution, and after the paraffin cooling, mechanical lymphatic drainage occurs - the skin takes elasticity, the manifestation of wrinkles decreases, the contour of the face is reduced, deep moisturizing and nutrition, cracks and peeling heal. During the procedure in the abdomen and hips, the volumes, manifestations of cellulite are reduced, metabolism and blood supply are improved.

The paraffin therapy procedure has a number of contraindications:

  • increased pressure;
  • diseases vessels;
  • cooperosis;
  • skin pathology, in volume number fresh wounds;
  • inclination to allergic reactions.

To carry out the procedure, you will need a body scrub, a nutrient cream, a special electric paraffinoplopa or a set of dishes for a water bath, a plastic film or gloves, warm mittens or socks, a peeled paraffin. To carry out the procedure on the skin of the face, you will also need a piece of gauze with a slot for the nose and a flat brush. If you plan to regularly carry out the procedure, we recommend that you purchase a ready -made set for paraffin therapy. Otherwise, you can separately buy a special paraffin in cosmetic stores or a pharmacy.

The materials are prepared, you can proceed directly to the procedure. It is first recommended to clean the skin with a scrub and soak with cream. Then melt the pieces of paraffin in an electric paraffinotop or in a water bath. Keep in mind that it will be impossible to wash the dishes after paraffin. Wait until the liquid has cooled to about 50 degrees. The temperature can be checked by trying to dip a finger - it should be heated, but not burned. On average, for small areas of the body, such as hands, feet or face, you will need up to 300 g of paraffin. Make sure that water does not get into a bath with a melted agent - this will lead to a burn during the procedure.

Dip completely dried brushes or feet into a liquid paraffin. Hold it for a few seconds. Then pull out and wait until the substance freezes a little. Repeat 5-6 times before forming " paraffin gloves»Approximately a centimeter thick. Then put on plastic gloves or wrap with a film, wrap with terry mittens or socks. Wear the application for 30 minutes, then carefully remove the frozen mask of paraffin and moisten the skin.

The procedure of paraffin therapy for the face is slightly different in technology. The first layer of matter is applied with a brush, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips. Then apply a gauze mask with a slot for the nose. On top of Marley, apply the next layer and just as in the hand procedure, wait until it dries, then smear paraffin again, and so 6 layers. Close with a film and a warm towel. In the same way, the procedure of paraffin therapy for the abdomen and hips is performed. It is quite difficult to properly apply paraffin to these parts of the body correctly - ask relatives to help you.

Most necessary and demanded paraffin therapy it becomes in winter period, when leather subject aggressive exposure others factors. Procedure calm inflamed dry skin, fill out flaw nutrition and moisturizes, improve color, accelerate regeneration skin pokov, accelerate circulation. Your leather already after the first time shine health and beauty!

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