Skin peel in the hands of what to do

Skin peel in the hands of what to do

Skin peeling is a fairly common problem. Untidye, constant scabies, redness - all this accompanies it for a long time. It is especially unpleasant when the skin peels in his arms. Your ailment is visible to everyone, you often fall out of everyday life, refusing any affairs not to aggravate the situation. In order to avoid this, you can get rid of peeling quickly by any of the methods below.

Moisturizing the skin of the hands

If the skin of your hands is poorly moistened, it is noticeable immediately: dry dryness, and the irritation and peeling appear in places. To moisturize the skin, you do not need to apply a lot of effort:

  1. Use the "fat" soap. If it includes a lot of fat, it is suitable. Avoid antibacterial soap - it is overlooking the skin.
  2. Maze's hands with special creams. Usually they are used once a day - before bedtime or in the morning. Do not despair if the cream of one brand did not help - try another


Yes, oddly enough, the towel can cause peeling of the skin of the hands. If it is very sensitive, then coarse fabric or even frequent use can lead to irritation and peeling. Try not to wipe your hands, but sculpt them, use terry towels.

Lack of vitamins

If your skin is peeling seasonally, in spring or winter, it is rather a shortage of vitamins, in particular a and e. In this case, their reception will help in the form of a capsule or a complex of vitamins that can be purchased at the pharmacy. If you want a quick result, buy liquid vitamin A and lubricate them peeling areas. Also include in the diet more products rich in these vitamins, such as eggs, butter, cereal, legumes, green leaves of vegetables, various berries.


Detergents are the most important enemy of your skin skin. They damage the epidermis - the top layer protecting the skin from stimuli. Also because of them may develop such diseases as eczema, dermatitis. Use cleaning agents based on glycerol or wash the dishes in gloves - this will noticeably improve the condition of the skin of the hands.

Cold, wind

If the skin flakes in winter - undoubtedly caused by cold. In this case, especially watch your hands, use softening creams and wear gloves.

Folk remedies

To get rid of the peeling of the hands, there are a number of folk remedies.

Mask from potatoes


  1. Sattail crude potatoes.
  2. Hands up their hands.
  3. Jump gloves (better cellophane or rubber).
  4. After 2 hours, rinse with warm water.

Thanks to the gloves, you can conduct a procedure without distracting everyday duties. Make such a mask twice a week, and you will notice how the skin of the hands becomes soft, and the irritation and peeling will leave.

Oatmeal mask

Welcome oatmeal, add vegetable oil and apply a mixture for 20 minutes, then rinse with water.

Restoring mask

You will need:

  • One glass sour cream;
  • Juice of one lemon;
  • One egg yolk.

Mix all the ingredients, apply a mixture to gauze, putting it on your hands, cover with cellophane and a towel. After 25 minutes, remove everything, the remains of the mask remove the cotton swab.

Cucumber juice

After each procedure, it will be useful to wipe hands with a cucumber lotion or immediately a piece of cucumber.

To get rid of the peeling of the skin of the hands, do not need a lot of effort. Performing simple recommendations, you can improve the overall skin condition, give it softness, and get rid of the ailment.

Comments leave a comment
Vasilisa. 17/11/2016 at 15:54.

I perfectly helps Cream Cream 10, Maju twice a day. Cleaning and peeling spots and itching. Helps me 100%. If it's still not in dehydration of the skin and the cream does not help you, then it is better to consult a doctor.

Daria 02/23/2018 at 8:01

I do not like to wash the dishes, clean the house in gloves, so the skin's skin is constantly dry and cracked. I tried a mask to make every week (honey + oatmeal, egg mask), but the next day is dry skin again. The cream has tried, a sense of zero. Beginning fish oil to drink in capsules, we do not carry a taste or smell. Got better. Now I drink dual Omega 3 from Evalar, 2 weeks passed and the first results are already noticeable.


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