Red face what to do

Red face what to do

some people known unpleasant feeling, when v most unsuitable moment leather persons becomes red. Usually blood strongly surging to face fromper strong physical load or when human ashamed of whatthen, too much confused. Blush maybe to appear and after walk on fresh the air v cold weather, and vice versa - from long stay on sun. But happens and that, what redness not passes at all. Human experiences fromper of this definite the discomfort, trying in every way hide defect. Redness skin covers persons more often shows o serious disease. V article considered self common causes and options solutions this problems.

1) provoking factors

For togo to install real root cause problems, better pass the health survey. redness of the skin is possible with the following diseases:

  1. At hypertension disease hearts strongly increases pressure, v aspect cutaneous covers strongly blush.
  2. At allergies on skin man maybe appear how red small rash, so and extensive spots. And install a sourceallergen enough not simply without aid specialist.
  3. Fromper inflamed acne rash, acne on skin formed reddish spots and stripes.
  4. Rozatseyny diathesis maybe show on skin simply fromper physical overstrain, stress, a maybe and fromper impact alcoholic beverages, coffee, abuse beauty means, not comfortable weather of conditions.
  5. Some medicinal preparations, v peculiarities antibacterial focus, cause strong rush blood.
  6. In time climacteric period women experience unpleasant phenomena, called tides blood and tides. When blood vessels expanded, leather persons becomes red.
  7. Redness persons sosame is an symptom very dangerous carcinoid syndrome, which the arises fromper availability v the body tumor.
  8. Pregnant women too have to face with this problem, especially v last trimester. Redness appears v aspect big loads on all organism and on vessels v peculiarities.

2) Procedures v salons beauty

After thorough medical inspection and treatment basic disease can try eliminate redness, turning over help to cosmetologist. Next methods help achieve desired effect:

  • Cryotherapy liquid nitrogen. Procedure founded on exfoliance blush layers skin persons.
  • Mechanical peeling or dermabrasion. One from self effective methods grinding skin, but and v then same time most painful.
  • WITH help radio wave methodelectro-Aagulationfill notable on skin blood vessels.
  • AND samem innovative technology - this is migration vessels laser.

Procedures conducted courses for achievements maximum result.

3) Homework procedures

except necessible treatment basic diseases and expensive cosmetic procedures, offered and various folk funds. Masks recommend apply on purified skin two times v week on 1520 minutes. Next masks reduce irritation on skin, promote normalization blood circulation:

  • Lemon mask suitable for fatty skin. V composition enter yeast: 2030 gram, milkseveral table spoon, juice lemon.1 tea. spoon. Everything products mix, received mass impose on skin on 1520 minutes.
  • Mask from petrushki and sour cream suitable for dry skin, skin with pigmentation. Canteen spoon grinding petrushki mixed with two table spoents sour cream. Juice petrushki oK restores tone blood vessels. At red lying petrushka yet and recommend use v food.
  • V masks can add juice cucumber, egg yolk, vegetable oil, juice aloe.

4) General recommendations

People, procoon to redness face better refrain from masks on based paraffin, massage persons and any rubbing skin. Visits saunas, bath, long sunny bath too not desirable. Cream for persons and any funds on care per skin applylight movements subtle layer.

Healthy colour skin persons can return only with help comprehensive impact. At it is not costs forget o right nutrition and refusal from harmful habits.

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