Miliums on the face what to do

Miliums on the face what to do

Miliums are a cosmetic defect on the surface of the skin, which is caused by violations in the body. They are called white acne for appearance and characteristic form. Most often, Miliums appear in the eye area, less often - on cheeks, cheekbones, foreheads, and, which is found quite rarely, genitals and torso. Before you decide how to get rid of them, it is worth understanding that Miliums represent.

Miliums: how to distinguish them from other types of skin rash

Miliums are subcutaneous formations with clear forms, white, size from 0.5 mm to 2-3 mm. They are well visible under the skin, and also perform "walls" above the surface. Most often after at least one formation appeared in the same place, a few more such. At the same time, they never merge into a single whole. Due to the fact that Miliums are formed as a result of the accelerated division of the cells of the upper surface of the skin and slow exfoliation (hyperkeratosis), treatment with their usual means against acne is useless. The reasons for their occurrence may be problems with the gastrointestinal tract, heredity, hormonal failures. An attempt to squeeze them independently ends with skin injuries without result. One can only pierce the capsule and get rid of the contents, but in the future there is a similar acne in the same place.

Mechanical getting rid of myiliums

This embodiment is allowed only if the formation is single, and their number is insignificant. The main thing is to get rid of the defect - to get the contents together with the capsule. For this, cosmetologists use a special spoon or curette.

Electrocoagulation in the fight for beauty

Under the influence of current during the Milium procedure, they begin to collapse. The advantages of this procedure can be attributed to a more sparing effect on the skin, a smaller surface area of \u200b\u200bthe face, which will be tuned, a point effect on the affected areas, a good result even for deeply located formations. The first option is to get rid much worse than this. However, electrocoagulation can also have disadvantages: after the procedure on the skin, scars are sometimes formed, the wound themselves are healing about 7-10 days. At the same time, they must be constantly handled with antiseptic mortar until the crust disappears.

Laser is a reliable assistant in the fight against the formation of the skin

The most advanced removal technique will help correct the flaws and in this case. The laser is especially relevant for the plots affected by a large number of milium. Its impact on the skin is reduced to almost zero with the exception of directly the focus of education. At the same time, the beam pulls up to the deepest layers of the skin, destroying the capsule, but not harming the epidermis. Scars from such a procedure remains!

How to prevent the appearance of milium

To prevent the development of the disease, it is necessary to find the cause, because of which it began. For example, many kids under the age of half have rashes on the skin. However, later they pass. It is connected with the work of the gastrointestinal tract, which the first months can fail. If you also suspect that you have Miliums because of problems with digestion or metabolism, it is worth starting to gradually eliminate products provoking their appearance, as well as contact the gastroenterologist. Also check your hormonal background and eliminate other possible causes. If you understand independently it does not work - contact for a start to the dermatologist. Do not try to squeeze yourself, especially in children! You only injure the skin and can provoke a new growth of formations.

It is worth noting that quite often Miliums are a signal that the body lacks vitamin A. Add it to his daily diet! Although it will not solve the problem of already existing formations, but will help prevent the emergence of new ones.

Comments leave a comment 07/02/2018 at 18:18

the scrub of salt and soda taken in equal ratios are applied to a soapy face and begin to rub the composition into the problem areas of the epidermis. It is recommended to make such a procedure carefully and carefully, not allowing redness of the skin surface. Immediately after the procedure, it is necessary to wash off the composition with a warm boiled water and apply a mask from sour cream and salt (1: 1) by about a quarter of an hour. After that, it is necessary to wash the warm soft water again. When skin prone to dryness is better to make such a scrub of olive oil and soda.

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