Masks from parsley for face

Masks from parsley for face

An ordinary garden parsley can be a reliable assistant if a girl or a woman has any skin problems. Most often from parsley make a variety of face masks. Below you will find the most popular recipes and learn how to properly impose on the face and shoot masks from parsley.

Whitening mask

For cooking, take a large bundle of fresh parsley and finely cut it with a knife or a blender. In the green juicy mass, add 1 tbsp. l. Liquid honey and mix to uniformity. Mask apply to a carefully cleaned face and keep it 35-40 minutes. Rock parsley decoction, cooled to body temperature. You can do such a mask daily, but if you do not have allergies on honey.

Mask from pigment spots

Parsley safely remove stains from the face of women who have pigmentation arising from pregnancy. This mask can be imposed on the hands of hands, which are also sometimes covered with dark spots. For a mask, take the root of parsley and boil it in water until soft (for 1 large spine take 100 ml of water). The resulting decoction will cool down and wet the gauze napkin in it, in which the slits for the eyes are made. Make a napkin from 5-6 layers of gauze so that it is more dense. Press the napkin to the state so that water does not flow with it. Take the cloth to face and keep 10 minutes. Wet the napkin again and put it on your face. Make such approaches 3-4 pcs. Mask do every day to the complete disappearance of pigment spots.

Acne mask

It will be useful for young girls and young people in transition, who have youthful acne on the face. Mask is done quite simple. Grind a decent handful of fresh parsley leaves - better miss the meat grinder. Add one whipped egg squirrel in Kashitsa and apply to a sparkled face. Keep the mask to the sensation of tightening, and then beware of cool water. Get on the face with a soft towel and apply the healing lotion from acne. The mask can be done every three days, and the course is 15 procedures.

Nutrient mask for normal and dry skin

The punch of the medium parsley is grinding in a blender and mix the sour cream with a spoon. Apply a mask on your face and keep 15 minutes. Rock warm water and impose on the face of the usual night cream.

Refreshing mask for any skin type

For this mask, first lean the parsley bundle in water until soft. Catch off the greens on the sieve, cool down and grind the pestle. Mix the green puree from 1 tsp. Honey and fresh egg yolk. Apply on the face and zone with neckline and keep 15-20 minutes. This mask is enough to do a couple of times a week.

Toning mask for combination and normal skin

Petrushka grind in a blender or scroll through the meat grinder. Take 1 tbsp. l. This mass and add honey (1 tbsp. l.) and fresh whipped egg white. Keep a mask for at least 10 minutes or until the skin tightening on the face. To wash off, first put a wet napkin on the mask. When the mask is splashing, you will be warm water and sweete the face with a piece of frozen brazier parsley or any other grass (chamomile, calendula, hunter).

If you live in the apartment and you do not have a cottage with the beds, go to the parsley of the future when you shop on the market. Several of its bundles will be perfectly stored in the refrigerator days 10, if they rinse it well, dry and put in a vacuum container. Or put the seeds of parsley in the flower pot, which will decorate the kitchen window. How to do it, read in our article "How to grow parsley at home".

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